Questions and Answers
Testing and Validation

"It has been a long old journey, but little did you know, this wee white beastie in your hand, has had a lot to undergo"– Extract from ‘The Wee White Beastie’

Every golfer has their own reason for choosing a golf ball. Perhaps, it’s a particular shine you like to see on the ball, maybe it’s the dimple pattern you are drawn to, or for some, it’s the way it feels off the face of your trusty wedge around the greens. Before I took the journey to Fairhaven, Massachusetts, home of Titleist, I would not have known what it was for me, but it turns out, it is the sound. There is a particular sound that comes from a Pro V1x. It’s not a ‘doink’ or a ‘ting’, it’s something more wholesome and solid. Reliable and energetic. It flies off the face of my club beautifully high, hangs around up there perfectly until it begins its descent, but it is the sound of it I love. That is a big reason why I choose to play this ball. What is it for you?

Rocking up to the first tee with a brand-new Titleist golf ball is one of the best feelings in golf.

More than just a tool for the game, it’s a statement of intent. It says, “I am here to play, I mean really play.”  A Titleist golf ball embodies precision, craftsmanship, and decades of innovation. To find out more about what makes a Titleist a Titleist, I decided to make the trip from the UK to Massachusetts, and while we’re at it, film the whole experience too. 

When I arrived at Headquarters in Fairhaven, we began the day early, with a bold cup of joe and off we went. First stop: Research and Development with Mike Madson. Mike showed me what happens at the very start of the process, which turns out to be a lot like the process found in the kitchen of the film ‘Chitty Chitty Bang Bang’, only more modern and with a lot more precision!. A dash of flour and a dash of milk, stir it all together, roll it all out, materials are blended to create a specific formulation that gives the Titleist golf ball its signature feel and consistency.

The second stop is where we met ‘The Rover’ at Manchester Lane, another very playful section of our journey. The Rover is a special robot engineered specifically to test what the ball does when it lands on the green. As golfers, we want to be rewarded for our best shots, when the ball lands on the green exactly the way we planned, that’s why this part of the journey and the work done here is VERY important. The Rover can fire balls out at different speeds and angles to replicate every level & style of golfer and Rich Daprato and his team at Manchester Lane study how and why the ball reacts the way it does. In baking terms, this felt like some sampling. When the cakes have been baked, it important to taste and sample and tweak, and then bake and sample some more.

Next up, Karen Gray and Mike Madson took me through some golf ball testing. My moment to taste the samples for myself (slightly less consistently than any of the robots!). It was at this stage I noticed for the first time just how important the acoustics are to me. That sound when the clubface meets the ball at impact. Whoooshhhh! I clipped some prototype Titleist golf balls and it was amazing to hear all the different sounds between them. Some with a sharper ‘ting’ and some with a lower base ‘tong’. Of course, they all reacted differently off the clubface, and it was a very gratifying experience and a privilege to be able to go through this blind testing process.

The final stage in the journey was arguably the best bit. Getting to the course with Jeremy Stone! I only say that because as golfers, the course is where we love to be most. We decided to take the opportunity to continue the blind testing out of the famous ‘Titleist white box’, so as not to be bias knowing what ball we were hitting. We spent time playing a few holes together, playing multiple shots and getting instant feedback. I loved every second of it. In fact, I’d recommend every golfer take a few different golf ball models out onto the course to play a variety of shots. First thing or in the evening are great times to do it when less golfers are around. Go slowly, and notice the small things. What sound does the ball make? Does the strike feel soft or firm? Do you LOVE the way it feels off the putter? There are no right or wrong answers, but this is where all the ingredients, all the love and care and dedication come together to produce the magic. As golfers, we’re part of the equation. The innovation, the ingredients, and the endless testing, are all for us to make the golf ball come alive with our own swings and styles.

The journey to make the #1 ball in golf never really ends—it’s a process of constant improvement. But the magic happens when you, the golfer, take it to the course. So, grab a few models, play around, and discover what works best for you. Notice the sound, feel, and performance and experience the joy of finding your perfect “wee white beastie.”

A wee white beastie

Found in a pack of 3
Promises to be your friend
To the green and from the Tee

But where did the beastie come from,
That promises you so much
with form that’s round and dimpled
And smooth and soft to touch

It’s been a long old journey
But little did you know,
This wee white beastie in your hand
Has had a lot to undergo

History has changed the form
Of how this beastie looks
innovation once again
Can help prevent the hooks

So before you take first strike this round,
and set off into the heather
Take time to notice this wee ball
thats no longer made of leather,

Just as friends we wish to be,
it’s centered perfectly at its core
Can withhold strong ferocious winds
and grip on the dance floor

This beastie offers hope and glee,
With quality second to none
By now I think you’ve guessed it
Of course, it’s your Pro V1.

- Iona Stephen

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