SM10 vs 200 series vokey wedges

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By ADay

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  1. ADay

    Queenstown, NZ

    I've just replaced an SM6 52.12 and older 56.10 with an SM10 54.10 S grind (pictured). Can't wait to try it out tomorrow. My 60 degree however is the old (2011) 200 series version, 260.04 I absolutely love this wedge, it's perfect in every way I can imagine and other than the age, can't fault it. Anyone here have experience with the 200 series wedges and have an idea of what is a similar grind and feel in the current line up? I know, I should get fitted, but way down in Otago, NZ, there aren't many, if any, opportunities.

    In some American forums the verdict was that you can't top the 200 series wedges and to hang onto it as long as possible. Im interested in local opinions if you can please share!

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