Pro V1 vs V1x

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By Jacob G

  • 2 Replies
  1. I did a Titleist ball fitting at Golf Galaxy - Driver, 7 Iron, Wedge - and numbers favored V1x. However, for each club I hit the V1 first and then, the V1x second, and I feel like I put better full-swings on all of the second V1x shots. Given that I really don’t like the feel of the V1x, particularly chipping and putting, and have an 85 mph swing speed, I am wondering if the V1 might be the better option, as I will be able to compress it better on full-shots, and play softer shots around the green. Thoughts?

  2. Michael S

    Michael S
    Apple Valley, Ca.

    Jacob G said:

    I did a Titleist ball fitting at Golf Galaxy - Driver, 7 Iron, Wedge - and numbers favored V1x. However, for each club I hit the V1 first and then, the V1x second, and I feel like I put better full-swings on all of the second V1x shots. Given that I really don’t like the feel of the V1x, particularly chipping and putting, and have an 85 mph swing speed, I am wondering if the V1 might be the better option, as I will be able to compress it better on full-shots, and play softer shots around the green. Thoughts?

    You need to buy a sleeve of both and go play them on the course see what feel is real I always take it to the course and that tells all.
  3. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Did you see the numbers for spin and launch? While the X is a firmer feel, at 85 mph driver head speed, typically to maximize launch angle and more backspin the X will deliver a better result.
    The X is not so firm that you will compress the V better. Until the compression exceeds 100, the firmer will impart more ball speed than a softer ball, even for slow swing speeds. The only tale of any validity is a low compression ball hit by a high speed driver will distort too much to gain ball speed.
    The difference won’t be night and day. If you have more confidence in pitching and putting with the V, then that’s your preference. Just know there may be a few yards lost with the V. By total numbers, Titleist fits more golfers under 95 mph in the X than any in any other swing group.

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