Hey guys,
I'm a 15 year old golfer with a handicap around 15. I play alotttttt of golf and am continuing to get better. Being a small fifteen your old and playing from the tips in tournaments is not easy so i find control a very important factor in playing a certain ball and hope to squeeze every last inch of distance out of my ball. Since I started golf (2 years ago) I've been playing premium golf balls but I have been playing all different brands and all different models.I think picking one ball and sticking with it will help me get more consistent results.So that's where i need your help!
My swing speed is kinda of between regular and stiff flex so 90-95
My game changes alot but the most consistent part of it is my around the green chipping, bunker play, and putting
I'm in an on going battle with my driver but am beginning to straighten it out but any help in the ball would help
While I'm not a very good ball striking I am certainly improving but am generaly accurate with my irons
I would like for you all to suggest a ball for me not show me some distance charts and spin charts. Because I am confused as to how spin on full shots differs from spin with short game shot.