Virtual Ball Fitting

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By Travis A

  • 4 Replies
  1. Travis A

    Travis A
    Lasalle, ON

    I've done two virtual ball fittings with Titleist now and I would strongly suggest it to everyone. It is a great opportunity to learn more about which Titleist ball will fit your game. Fitters will ask you questions and help walk you through all aspects of evaluating and choosing a ball for your game. If you have already spent time evaluating balls, this will give you the opportunity to discuss and confirm your findings. Highly recommended.

  2. Darius V

    Darius V
    Barrie, ON

    Sounds awesome - Glad you had a great experience from it. I had switched to the AVX and really liked it. Interestingly enough during my club fitting this spring we found that with my swing and my collection of Titleist clubs I would benefit from switching back to the ProV1. Fortunately for me they are the same price, ad more importantly - they both come in yellow so I can see them :)
  3. Jason R

    Jason R
    Ottawa, ON

    I think the virtual ball fitting is a great a great opportunity - if, you know your game and know what you might like to fix off the tee, short irons, wedge play etc. wrt ball flight and spin. The virtual fittings are convenient (can be done any time and in any weather) and can really help point you in the right direction. The ideal would be an IRL fitting but they are definitely harder to come by.

  4. Daniel Tramble

    Daniel Tramble

    I did the ball fitting last week with Brayden and it was awesome. I float between the AVX and the pro V1 and I like the AVX for the lower spin and soft feel however he suggested that I try the Pro v1x as the height and spin could potentially help me. Coming from a slicers perspective (was one for years) the enhanced spin threw me but he said I need spin to keep the ball longer in the air.

    Apparently I will receive a few 2 ball packages in the mail sometime and for me to try them next season and I will keep an open mind however with a CHS of 92-97 MPH I do like a bit of softness however I'll try it out with an open mind

    All in all it was a great experience and it was suggested that my driver shots with a harder ball I should ignore as the higher flight and steeper descent angles would help me on the greens

    Looking forward to trying them next season when the temps in NS warm up enough for these balls
  5. Marc J

    Marc J

    I’ve had a few virtual ball fittings on a few occasions and on my most recent one , I was provided the choice of Pro V1X and the Pro V1X left dash . I did try both of them last week during a practice round on the simulator in which I found that the Pro V1X left dash didn’t quite do it for me and I always seem to come back to my current ball that I use the Pro V1X . I still have some time to do further testing during the winter months before the golf seasons begin in the spring to come up a final decision on which golf ball that I’ll be using next spring . I still believe that the Pro VIX will be hard to beat to be though.

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