GT3 Loft Option

Follow Thread

By James M

  • 2 Replies
  1. Just went through a fitting at the weekend. Was fit for a GT3 11 deg head set at C4 (Flat with 11.75deg loft) with weight in T1. Coming from TSR2 11 deg Head set at C4.

    speaking to my local pro about ordering and he has an ex demo (basically used by him only indoors on his simulator) that he is willing to sell me for half price £299.

    This model he has is GT3 10 deg head same shaft.

    My question is would I see a huge difference on using the 10 deg head set at B4 so still flat lie but loft at 11.5 deg?

  2. Robert J

    Robert J
    Washington Township, MI

    Yes there will be a difference, as the more that you change the loft on the head using the adaptor settings also impacts face angle, which may change the ball start line and ball flight characteristics.

    Your best option in this choice would be to hit some balls with it, and compare the results to what you were originally fit into.
  3. Barry M

    Barry M
    Reno, NV

    If he's a good local pro he will let you demo it and find out if it works for you.

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