How often do you cycle balls?

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By Daniel R

  • 27 Replies
  1. Daniel R

    Daniel R
    Spokane, CA

    If I play a full round with the same ball it will go to the shag bag, even if there is no shell wear. This over the top?

    Im a 1.2hdcp now, and I usually play a round without losing a ball. However there are lots of trees where I play so its not uncommon i do scrape agaist a trunk during a round and it goes right to the shag bag.

  2. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    I go a bit longer with mine, maybe 3 or 4 rounds until the sheen wears off and then I retire it. I too will change out if any cuts or scuffs occur as they really do affect ball flight. If taking it out of play after a full round gives you confidence and you like seeing that clean new ball on the first tee, go for it. Confidence is everything.
  3. Andrew A

    Andrew A
    Charlotte, NC

    I am the same way. I typically get 1 round out of my balls and scrap them to the shag bag. I lknow the performance of the ball is just fine but it's a mental thing for me. I enjoy pulling out a brand new pro v 1- on the 1st tee free of any cosmetics reminders of past rounds.
  4. Similar to Dale I typically get 2-3 rounds out of my ProV1x. The exception lately has been I have been able nick the outer layer with my SM10 60 degree wedge out of bunkers and fluffy rough. That search for a few extra RPM's of spin can take a toll as well. Those balls come out of play on the next hole as do the ones that like to ride the cart path.


  5. Sean M

    Sean M
    Liberty, MO

    I put a new ball in play on the first tee and play it as long as I can find it. If I play all 18 with it then it goes into the shag bag. If I wind up losing a ball during the round and have to put a new one in play the “new” ball may stay in the bag as a backup ball for future use.
  6. Typically, I will use the same new ball until I hit trees, cart path.., This may mean I use the same ball for many holes. Fortunately, once I deem the ball unplayable, I drop the ball off at the bag room where they keep a barrel for used balls that can be used by juniors.
  7. Tyler_S

    Cypress, TX

    I will put a new one in play off the first tee and will go as long as I can with it. When the round is done, the ball is done as well. If I lose a ball close to the end of the round, I will use a shag or used ball from my bag to finish the round.

  8. Generally 9 holes
  9. EddietheKarp


    Personally, I use a 3 Generation system with mine, mostly just a "waste not, want not" kinda thing.
    Obviously if the round means anything, a brand new ball comes out of a sleeve (Gen1).
    Practicing, or just farting around the course, I'll grab a used ball from the Gen2 balls floating around the ball pocket.
    Once scuffed, nicked, or otherwise compromised, the 3rd generation is relegated to my shag bag and only used fro wedge practice around the short game area.
  10. I’ve played two rounds now with the same ball. No marks, scuffs or wedge wear. I’ll tee it up next time out but will likely be its last round.
  11. Frank P

    Frank P
    Port St. Lucie, FL

    I just "retired" a ball after 3 weeks. The Titleist script was starting to come off, so I figured it was time.
  12. Mark N

    Mark N
    Cascade, IA

    I use until I lose em or cant stand the looks of it.
  13. When I make it through three 18 hole rounds with the same ball, I switch it up.
  14. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Until the shine wears off, scuffed, or it goes for an occasional swim. Have 13 opportunities for the ball to go swimming on our course. Normally play a ball around 3 rounds.
  15. RGarris

    New Bern NC

    I will normally play a ProV1 for one round. After that round ,I will roll it into a backup or shag bag it.
  16. JAM


    I can use a Pro V1ball for a month before changing, sometimes longer.
  17. Usually use them after 4-5 rounds unless the ball gets damaged
  18. Jon T

    Jon T
    Iowa City / Cedar Rapids, Iowa

    I'll use it until it's visibly scuffed, scraped, or the sheen wears off. I have more trouble not losing them than keeping them, but 5-6 rounds is typical as long as it doesn't get donated to the wildlife habitat fund.
  19. JYoung


    I will play a ball as long as I can. It's very rare I can go more than 2 rounds without losing a ball. No matter how well I'm playing always seem to have a terrible swing or two per round. Probably why I'm an 8 HCP and not lower. Haha
  20. If I'm playing in a meaningful round I'll take a new ball out of the sleeve. If it's a social round I'll take one out of my bag. If I Nick it or scuff it, then into my practice bag it goes.

    However it's very rare I go more than 18 without losing a ball!
  21. Brad P

    Brad P
    Rantoul, IL

    1 round and then in the shag bag if not scuffed before that.
  22. I’ll play the same ball until it has damage to the cover, then goes I. To the practice bag.
  23. Daniel R

    Daniel R
    Spokane, CA

    Some interesting intervals here. Now have a ton of balls in the shag bag and wondering what to do with them to recover some $ to fund fresh balls.
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