ProV1 testing

Follow Thread

By Josh J

  • 8 Replies
  1. Hello fellow teammates. How many of you have received a prototype of ProV1 or ProV1x? I’m hoping to get a test box as a ProV1x player for 4 years now. I’ve won several AmTour tournaments with this ball. Fingers crossed!

  2. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Not many. Even with seeding in late fall as more of a marketing push, not a great number.

    Unless you are at some level of a staff member with Titleist, your odds aren’t great. Course pros that do fittings have benefits we don’t get.
  3. Andrew A

    Andrew A
    Charlotte, NC

    I have in the past, but not for the last couple of years. Hope to get back into the rotation but not expecting. Enjoy for those who were selected.
  4. Richard H

    Richard H
    Blair, NE

    Same! Its been a me hole since my last chance to try out some proto’s.
  5. a few years back i was sent some test balls. I think it was the AVX at the time
  6. Mark N

    Mark N
    Cascade, IA

    Been awhile since I got some. If sending out better get here in a hurry season winding down fast.
  7. jsh_golf


    I haven't been selected to test out the new prototype from Titleist. I've been using their ProV1X for the past few years and love it!
  8. Johnny Tee

    Johnny Tee
    Mississauga, ON

    I have quite a few times. Usually happens around Christmas/New Years.
  9. Palmer C

    Palmer C
    Ashland, MA

    I haven't tested any prototypes the last few years, but I know people have recently tested a new Pro V1x that is getting rave reviews. I can't wait to try it out.

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