Do you swap balls mid round?

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By SStoker

  • 24 Replies
  1. Assuming the round allows it. Do you swap the type of ball you play depending on what holes you are playing?

  2. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Not that I play a different ball for effect, but I do keep some battle hardened balls from cart path or tree trunk adventures for shots inside my head for carries over hazards.
  3. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    I think the intent was more if one switches to a to a Velocity on a par 3 with a carry over water instead of a gamer like a V.
    That’s an automatic DQ in competition. A damaged ball can be replaced if damaged. Karma can play a roll. How many times have we watched a pro throw a ball into a hazard after a double?
  4. Bill V

    Bill V
    Bluffton, SC

    The one ball rule is 100% optional for the Tournament committee.
    Always check the sheet of "Rules of the Competition" EVERY tournament.

    It is not always an automatic DQ
  5. The idea sounds interesting. But why would you do that?
  6. I will sometimes depending on conditions. If it becomes very windy or if the wind dies down, I will sometimes switch balls. My gamer is left dash. I always keep a sleeve or two of regular prov1s. I used to keep some prov1x in the bag but I tend to create too much spin with those. I have since switched to the lower spin AVX as a 3rd ball of choice
  7. Dan S

    Dan S
    Westchester, IL

    I don't, I want the same feel / sound on every shot.
  8. oui, si je perd ma balle autrement quel est l'intérêt
  9. Nick


    I have (shamefully) swapped to a worn out ball - still a gamer ProV1 or ProV1x - on holes where I have traditionally lost a ball in the water or OB. I try to stay consistent with the type of ball I use at all times, but might drop down a beat up ball when I think I might lose it!
    Sad but honest!
  10. Bill V

    Bill V
    Bluffton, SC

    Ten Plus Points for the honesty!
  11. Barry M

    Barry M
    Reno, NV

    Yes but it's not related to the hole I'm playing. Usually it's related to losing the sleeve of new balls I started with. Doesn't happen often, but it still happens too often.
  12. Peter W

    Peter W


    Barry M said:

    Yes but it's not related to the hole I'm playing. Usually it's related to losing the sleeve of new balls I started with. Doesn't happen often, but it still happens too often.

    Are you me?
  13. Mike M

    Mike M
    Marblehead MA

    I walk a lot, and usually only carry 6-8 balls in my bag. The only reason I'll swap one out is if I hit a cart path or tree and the ball is visibly damaged.
  14. Abdon M

    Abdon M
    Northern California (because it's a big state)

    Only when needed otherwise, I'm playing the ball until it needs to be replaced.
  15. Palmer C

    Palmer C
    Ashland, MA

    No, I play the same ball throughout the round. I've considered going from a Pro V1x to a Pro V1 in different weather conditions, but I would never switch during a round.
  16. El bandito

    El bandito
    Fife Bonny Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

    I try my best to use the same ball.
    7 rounds is my record set a few years ago.
    But not my golf standard now a days lol,
    i'm just happy to get 18 holes with same ball haha
  17. DaFitzy!


    Interesting question; I just saw a video claiming it takes approx 15 minutes for a ball to “get back to round” and driving it. How much a microscopic compression is going to effect it, I don’t know… but it’s gotta heavily depend on the type/material of the ball, ambient temps, smash factor, etc.. swapping through three balls over the course of a round sounds like your a next level tinkerer.
  18. Nah....
    Part of the challenge for me is to get home with the ball I started out with...
  19. Bill Q

    Bill Q

    Type of ball, no. Certainly change out balls if they get scuffed or damaged.
  20. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Type of ball meaning Prov1 to Prov1x. That is how I am reading this. NO. I play Prov1s, #8 all the time until their time has expired.
    That also means the year round, in all kinds of weather. Just adjust for the wind and cooler weather.
  21. Rob R

    Rob R
    Chicago, IL

    I do not switch ball types during a round.

    I only switch out balls after I scar one up on the cart path or a tree.
  22. During a round, I’ll definitely play the same ball. I just want the feel I’m going to get in a tournament or match. Switching balls can mess up the feel of things and get you out of rhythm. I just want everything I can control to stay the same during the round to really get a feel of things. But sure, for different rounds I may try different balls to see what they feel like and if I like them. But that’s the only time I change the ball I play.
  23. Lance P

    Lance P
    Hillsborough, NC

    Dance with the one you brought...until it leaves you to visit the woods or go swimming!
  24. mike

    plymouth, NC

    I will switch balls as far as manufacturer sometimes to try a new model and usually give it 3 holes to see how it goes. I only do that when playing fun rounds or practice rounds. So far, I keep coming back to the Pro V1 X, which is what I play with during any competitive rounds and most of the time regardless of weather or temperature. The Pro V1X just seems to be made to work for my swing.
  25. CrazyGolfNut

    Omaha, NE

    I stay with the same type ball during the 18 holes. I might hit a slightly used ball on water holes but it will always be the same type, Pro V1.

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