Lift/Height/Spin on Ball

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By David

  • 3 Replies
  1. David

    Tacoma, WA

    I just got a GT2 9* Driver. I play an R6 Ventus Velocore+ Blue. 92-95-ish swingspeed and maybe upper 90's when oiled up... I have only played one time with this new GT2 so not a bunch of data but enough to feel like I could get more distance out of a higher flying golf ball. I have tried dialing up to 9.75 loft but with the d4 setting it puts the face at a half degree closed and an entire 1 degree closed form A1 setting and was hooking the ball. I am looking for some thoughts on Which ball would get my apex up higher as the new drivers are such low spin. I am currently rotating between prov1, prov1x, tp5x, and chrome tour with preference so far the prov1x. Let me know your thoughts please.

  2. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    What numbers were provided at your fitting, assuming you were fitted for you new driver. With the fall and cooler conditions and softer fairways, we tend to loose distances this time of the year. You should play whatever the ball you normally play. Play it the year round for consistency. We always recommend getting fitted so that you get the optimum performance from your clubs. Can't tell you about those other balls, only play Titleist balls, as most of us do on this site. Afterall, we are Titleist loyalist. I play Prov1s year round.
  3. Brock L

    Brock L
    Fort Myers, FL

    This is why it's critical to do fitting starting with the ball and working backwards. Whoever did your fitting should have asked what ball you play before beginning your fitting. Yes, the GT series are much lower spinning than previous generations and 90% of the people I have seen fitted have gone to higher loft in the new model. To answer your question though, ProV1x is the highest spinning and highest launching model in the lineup, so probably your best option.
  4. AAlfred


    I had the same issue and the prov1x added a little height to my shots. I’ve come to really enjoy the “firmness” of it and I cant imagine playing a different ball

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