Pro v1 left dot

Follow Thread

By rob l

  • 6 Replies
  1. rob l

    rob l
    jackson, MI

    When are going to release to the public for the Pro v1 leftdot. Got some used 1s off ebay and love them.

  2. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    You may never see them as a full retail release. At best, they might be added as a special on line purchase but likely will just remain a professional option for such a specialized market.
  3. Brock L

    Brock L
    Fort Myers, FL

    Might be a (very) limited release, but won't be a retail version. It's a 7 year old ball and less than 1% of tour players fit into it. It's a niche product and will remain that way almost certainly.
  4. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Only Titleist knows for sure. This site is for enthusiasts and Titleist doesn’t strategy with us any earlier than the golf publications.
    On rare occasions w/o announcement some become available through the online My Titleist internet sales. At least in the past. Maybe you could get lucky.
  5. Still the best ball ive ever played....when you see data sets against the latest and greatest Titleist balls, it still matches or exceeds the performance of the newer balls of ANY Brand. This is a true unicorn ball......a lower flying, less spinny V1 ball on driving and long irons but typical prov1 spin 50 yards and in......its the perfect design. This ball is almost 8 years old and it still kick butt.

    It can fit way many more players if it was mainstream and "out there", but nobody really knows about it.
  6. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Well every pro on every tour knows about it and yet only a few use it. Nothing wrong with it if it fits your particular swing but it is not optimal for the majority of players. Always a good recommendation for every players to get fit into the ball best for them. Maybe it is the Left Dot, maybe the Left Dash, maybe the regular ProV1 or ProV1x.
  7. Brock L

    Brock L
    Fort Myers, FL

    Tim S said:

    Still the best ball ive ever played....when you see data sets against the latest and greatest Titleist balls, it still matches or exceeds the performance of the newer balls of ANY Brand. This is a true unicorn ball......a lower flying, less spinny V1 ball on driving and long irons but typical prov1 spin 50 yards and in......its the perfect design. This ball is almost 8 years old and it still kick butt.

    It can fit way many more players if it was mainstream and "out there", but nobody really knows about it.

    The number of amateur players out there that require a Pro V1 that flies lower and spins less with long irons is virtually zero.

    If you really need the driver to flight lower and spin less, an educated fitter will hand you a driver that is set .75 less that what you just hit in order to hit that window.

    The Pro V1 left dot is only beneficial to very high-speed (190+) ball speed players who simply produce too much spin and have no other remedies.

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