Wedge loft

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By bmacleod

  • 6 Replies
  1. Looking to buy a wedge to sit in between my PW ap1 16 model and my 52 degree wedge. Looking to check if the standard PW on ap1 set sits at 43 degrees

  2. The AP1 PW is at 43*. The "W" in the AP1 is at 47*. I guess it all depends if you feel more comfortable with a vokey style wedge or the AP1 style. Me personally, if I'm hitting the "W" it's going to be a full shot swing, so I wanted the forgiveness it offers. When i'm in closer than that (115 & In) I like the workability and shot making ability provided by the vokeys. I essentially have 5 wedges in the bag, 43,47, AP1 / 50,54,58 SM4
  3. If this specs sheet is legit, then it would seem you're correct, sir. I'd say a 48* wedge would be suitable with the new AP1's. Best of luck!
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  4. DV



    Yes, the 716 AP1 PW is 43 deg. If you purchase the 716 AP1 "W" wedge (which has 47 degrees loft) you will have a 4 degree gapping. Your existing wedge is 5 degrees gap with the W wedge. You can live with this setup nicely or you could bend the loft of your 52 to 51 degree if you want consistent gapping with the purchase of a new 716 AP1 W wedge.

  5. Todd S

    Todd S
    Beavercreek, OH

    Sounds like you need a 48*
  6. Darron K

    Darron K
    Fate, TX

    The 716 AP1 PW is 43°. You can get a 46° or 48° SM6 or a 47° 716 AP1.
  7. Michael M

    Michael M
    London, OH

    I actually just ordered new 716 AP1s tonight. I considered the AP1 W and W2 wedges but decided on three Vokey SM6s instead. I got a 48* as a second Pitching/Gap, a 53* (ordered a 54* bent 1*) Sand and a 58* Lob. Now I have one of each of the three new progressive center of gravity offered and both types of the new TX4 grooves. It also fits the gapping of the AP1s perfectly! The degree change in 4-7 are 3*, 7-P are 4* and P-SM6s are 5*. I am super excited to get them! Good luck with your new clubs!

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