MB Irons

Follow Thread

By William K

  • 6 Replies
  1. Is Titleist plannin on releasing a me MB iron to succeed the 620MB?... I know there's not a big market for it, but I only play MB irons. I tried the T100 irons when they first came out, and demo'd the T150 and they just aren't comparable. I also heard that Titleist is trying to move away from the MB and CB models. Anyone know if Titleist so coming out with an MB and discontinuing it all together?

  2. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    The market is small with little hope of it to grow beyond devout users. Other than minor cosmetic changes, there is only so much that can be done with a solid forged head. Titleist has done one-off sets for a few pros like JT.
    Titleist has not announced any plans. Strictly rumor, there may be an announcement at the PGA show. The customized sets have offsets different than the 620. Maybe it will migrate to custom orders with various offsets. (My rumor).
  3. When and where is the PGA show?
  4. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    FOlakonu said:

    When and where is the PGA show?

    Generally the last week of January in Orlando. You can expect many press releases flooding the golf magazine web sites. Pro -V’s for sure and maybe hybrids and/or black T series irons. Who knows? Maybe even 625 CB/MB releases.
  5. I’ve heard that same rumor from a Titleist rep. Strong chance it’s happening.
  6. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    As long as there are players that want/use muscle back irons, you can expect Titleist to produce them. That said, the technology and design for those are limited so they will never evolve at the 2-year cycle as the other irons. Don’t look for them to be “discontinued” but don’t look for frequent model changes.
  7. Scott P

    Scott P
    Morristown, NJ

    Please update the CB’s so I can combo them perhaps within my T150 lineup.

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