
Follow Thread

By David L

  • 8 Replies
  1. Military

    Hello all. I've recently became addicted to golf and looking at the T350's as my first set after a fitting a few weeks ago. My question I also go with this set's 43, 48, and 53 wedges? I would assume I will need 58'ish at some point. Or do I only get the 43 and/or 48 and buy separate wedges of the same make up to around 60? I prefer to have all or most of the wedges be of the same make/type for some consistency. Is this the correct thinking? Any suggestions/opinions? Thanks!

  2. Barry M

    Barry M
    Reno, NV

    I think it's a personal preference. I am a mid teens handicap and play the T200 pitching wedge and 48 gap wedge, and then SM8 in 54 and 58. For full swings I think the wedges from the T series are fine but I know I get more feeling out of the SM wedges for shots around the greens.
  3. Edward K

    Edward K
    Wesley Chapel, FL

    Your fitter will be best able to fill the gaps for you. I'm not familiar with the 350 lofts, try keeping the gaps at 4 degrees, if possible.
  4. Lou G

    Lou G
    San Diego, CA

    What's in my thumbnail is a pretty effective wedge setup. 46-52-58-60-62. The 58-12D and 60-06K pair together for course conditions. If I want to do a carry bag, I use a 60-14K at 58* in place of the 58-12D and 60-06K. I also have a PM Grind 64/10 wedge I have had for 6 years now; the 62-08M has been in my bag for 6 months now and is a little more versatile vs the 64. 48-10F bent to 46* has been pretty effective and its advantage over a 46-10F set to 44* is that it will roll less on a bump n run shot.

    The 54-14F set to 52* is basically THE magic "gap wedge" and is a new additon to the bag on Monday (practice session proved to be fruitful) plus better scores on today's and Tuesday's rounds (9 holes on a regulation course and 9 hole par 30 layout with longer par 3s). First. it swings better vs either 50-12F or 52-12F. It also solves the shortcomings of the 54-10S and 54-12D (both set to 52*) with the former not being tremendous for longer bunker shots in softer sand and the latter not as good off firm lies.
  5. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    I do events with Titleist reps and fitters and was told that the 56.10S Vokey is a great wedge for most amateurs. A fitting by a Certified fitter would be a good idea. I play T350s and have my set thru the 48W then, following the tradional 4* gapping, 52* then the 56*. Works for me, but you need to find what fits your fame.
  6. DSmith


    I would take a look at all your options. If you have only recently become a big golfer you might have a couple swing changes before you find you groove, and might not want to lock yourself into some wedges.

    I would recommend going to as many fittings as you can. For me wedges are all about weight and feel, I have a set of SM10s im 52/56/60, however my gamers are png S159 because I find I have better feel and control with how they are balanced.

    Maybe even get a couple cheap used wedges to practice with and narrow down the feel/weight/bounce you are looking for
  7. David W

    David W
    Pittsburgh, PA

    I got 4-PW and went with Vokey 48°, 54°, and 60° this works for me
  8. PJDawes

    Springfield, MA

    I like the T-350 AW (the 48 degree wedge) When I was working o this my self the advise I got from my fitter was to stay with the more forgiving club through the last club I consistently use a full swing for and for me that worked to be the 48 degree for me as I use it as my 110 full swing club. Inside 100 yard I have two Vokey wedges a 52 and a 58 (I have a weird bit of a longer gap but it works for me) basically I use the 52 degree for 100 yards to about 65 yards and the 58 for everything inside that including sand. I got here from a wedge fitting it was the first time I did one and it really helped and a lot of shops will do it for free if you are buying something.
  9. Mary Beth S.

    Mary Beth S.
    Lenexa, KS

    I have the T300's through the 48* GW, and then went with the traditional 4* gapping by adding the 52*, 56* and 60* Vokey wedges. I would recommend adding a wedge fitting, as well, since that would give you the proper bounce and grind to better match your game. My wedge game got so much better when they put me in the right wedges.

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