714 AP2

Follow Thread

By MAtkins

  • 5 Replies
  1. Just got a set of these, currently being shipped, but these are gonna be an “upgrade”. First set of titleist irons, previously been swinging Cleveland. How much of an upgrade are these gonna be?

  2. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    No way to tell. These are forged irons for better players. If you are a good ball striker they will feel great.
  3. Craig D

    Craig D
    Canton, OH

    I think you will have an answer when you try them out. The 714 AP2 was my favorite set of irons as far as feel (compared to 712 AP2, 718 AP2, T100s, and even my latest T150 2023 iteration).
  4. Brock L

    Brock L
    Fort Myers, FL

    They are only an upgrade if they make you better. Having clubs that fit your swing and your game are the most important factors. Good clubs that don't fit you won't make you a better golfer.
  5. DSmith


    When I started playing 712 AP2 the main thing I noticed was I lost about a club in distance, but after some time getting use to them the control I gained made up for the lack of distance.

    Not sure the type of Cleveland's you had, but if they were a "more forgiving" iron. You could expect to see a decrease in distance and an increase in spin rate.
  6. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC


    Those were great clubs in 2013/2014. A lot of improvement has been made in the latest models. Guess the big question is, how are you scoring with them? The first set of AP2s came out in 2007/2008. The originals. All the new models are forged.

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