t350 back plate came off

Follow Thread

By NBritten

  • 6 Replies
  1. I just had the back plate of t350 5 iron come off over the weekend. Did not notice until i went to use it. I take excellent care of my irons and use head covers to prevent bag chatter in carts due to some rough patches on my local. Clubs are just over a year old. Titleist should replace surely

  2. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    If you can find it maybe inside the bottom of your bag, it is an easy home fix with a little epoxy glue.
  3. Military
    No excuses for this still happening
  4. Brock L

    Brock L
    Fort Myers, FL

    "Just over a year" is outside the 1 year warranty, but I would contact your club from which you purchased them or call Titleist customer service directly.
  5. Tim D

    Tim D
    Kokomo IN

    I have also experienced the back cover falling off two of my Titleist T350 irons. My 5 iron and my 8 iron. I had my club pro contact Titleist and they gladly provided me new Iron heads and matched my seriel numbers. I live in the mid west and including transit time to Sunny CA the repair time was just over a week. I was very pleased with Titleist customer support and response time. One backplate fell off inside a year of purchase and the other came off about 14 months after my purchase.

    I am looking forward to their new iron refresh and hoping they utilize a little more or stronger epoxy.
  6. Military
    The good news is that Titleist has been taking care of their customers just like TM has done with their drivers. I know that there is no OEM out there that hasn't had quality issues in the past. I'm a bit surprised that Titleist hasn't address this problem much sooner. Well at least they knocked it out of the park with their drivers in the GT line up
  7. greg p

    greg p
    Chicago 'burbs, IL

    This is where Titleist excels...great customer service that exceeds expectations They'll take care of you, I'm sure.

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