Looking for new ones

Follow Thread

By Cam M

  • 3 Replies
  1. Looking for new clubs what should I look at 16 handicap

  2. Barry M

    Barry M
    Reno, NV

    You should be looking at a professional fitting event. If your serious about the game, it's the smartest way to improve, and it's very educational. Buying clubs off the shelf is like buying shoes without knowing the size. They might fit your game but they might not.
  3. Tim D

    Tim D
    Kokomo IN

    My handicap is also 16 and currently play the T350 irons. I really like the clubs and they provide me alot of confidence. I suggest you schedule a club fitting with a Titleist fitter and am I am confident they will help you select the clubs that will maximize your swing.
  4. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Hey, I am 78 and each time I get a new set, I go get fitted. With age my game changes. Always new shafts that can help me with my game.
    Love my T350's but a change in shafts can make a difference and only my fitter knows for sure. Mine has been in the business over 35 years. Titleist certified, of course.

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