GT2 7 Wood

Follow Thread

By blair

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  • 5 Replies
  1. blair


    Hi Guys, Curiosity finally got the better of me and I have ordered a GT2 7 wood. It’s always been a part of the bag I’ve never settled on, constantly trying different options from T200 and U505 3 irons to a TSR2 hybrid. Anyone have a 7 wood and their thoughts on them. Cheers

  2. Tim D

    Tim D
    kokomo, IN

    I have the GT2 7 wood and I find it an ideal club for me. Very easy to hit from all situations. I believe you will find it a very enjoyable club to have in your bag. I noticed Ludvig and Scottie both had 7 woods in their bag this past weekend.
  3. Jonathan Smith

    Jonathan Smith
    Charlotte, NC

    I have one and it is amazing. I am so glad my fitter recommended it over the 5 wood (goes as far, but comes down at a much better descent angle for holding greens). It seems that this is the year of the GT 7 woods!
  4. I have one, set at +.75 of loft, it’s a very versatile club, can hit it high and low, sweeping draws, can carry it 195-215 depending on what I need it to do. I’m sure you will love yours!!
  5. Lou G

    Lou G
    San Diego, CA

    I"ve been carrying 7 woods on and off since 2007 (including a 975F), 915F 21 since 2015 (with a break between 2017-2019. I've had the same 910F 21 in my bag since then (currently with an Ilima 71R). The GT2 5 and 7 woods are reasonably easy to hit off the deck. The only reason I don't carry the GT2 7 wood is my TSR1 9 wood is a "can't miss" club. I use the 9 wood in a carry bag in place of the 7 wood and 23 hybrid.
  6. DKing

    North Carolina

    Added a 7 wood to the bag this year. Nothing but positive things so far. Dropped a 4 iron that was only useful for one tee shot a round and dreaded hitting off the turf for a club that I’m exciting to hit whenever the distance is right.

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