Bushnell rangefinders in less than perfect weather

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By Charlie

  • 2 Replies
  1. Charlie


    i live in the uk, bought a new Bushnell V5 shift to replace a very old Nikon, i'm finding that during anything other than clear weather its useless and just reads 6yds.

    any light mist, rain etc and it just fails to work, anyone else had this issue? any other rangefinders people can recommend?

    being in the uk it renders it pretty much useless for a lot of winter, Bushnells answer was just 'change the battery'

  2. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    I use to have a Bushnell V5 and never experienced what you are describing. Heavy fog would be the only deterrent but that would happen with any rangefinder. Have used Bushnell for many years and have found them to be very reliable. Have since moved up to the Pro X3 and it is awesome. Batteries are good for about a year, if you play a lot. I normally play around 100 rounds in a year. The rain or mist on the optics could be blocking it's ability to ready correctly. Might try wiping off the dampness. Just a thought.
  3. Fred L

    Fred L

    I have found in playing with fog on my V5 is get no reading from a distance.

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