Links Legends Ball Pocket Panel Replacement

Follow Thread

By brian f

  • 5 Replies
  1. brian f

    brian f
    Middle Village, NY

    Hey does anyone know if I can get a replacement ball Pocket Panel for my Links Legends Bag. I would like a new panel with my clubs logo on it. One of the pros is going to ask the Titleist Rep but figured no better place to ask them the great Titleist Community!!!

    Thanks to everyone in advance!!!

  2. Brock L

    Brock L
    Fort Myers, FL

    Yes. You will need to have your club order it, and they will need to provide a DST filed if there isn't one on file with Titleist already.
  3. brian f

    brian f
    Middle Village, NY

    Thanks they definitely already have the clubs logo on file!!
  4. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Titleist does not sell bag parts so your best bet is having your local club contact them, especially since a copyright club logo set up would be involved.
  5. brian f

    brian f
    Middle Village, NY

    Thanks I do have my club reaching out to Titleist rep! Do you know if replacement panels are available for the LinksLegends bags?
  6. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    They are not, as a matter of routine. No bag parts are stocked as replacements but a club with frequent and large business ties can likely get one for a bag that is still in production. It’s all in how well your club pro is able to negotiate with his/her local Titleist sales representative.

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