Watch: How to Build a Reliable Pre-Shot Routine

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By Rick V., Team Titleist Staff

  • 11 Replies
  1. Team Titleist Staff

    Titleist staff member Dr. Mo Pickens shares the "Four R's (Refocus, Routine, React, Relax)", four pillars for building a solid pre-shot that will help you manage your thinking and stay sharp on the golf course. Incorporate Dr. Mo's Four R's into your game and find out what it is like to truly play one shot at a time.

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  2. Darryl M

    Darryl M
    Wichita, KS

    Just love the content of these types of videos. Always good information in them.

  3. RGunnell

    Virginia Beach, VA

    I love this aspect of the more mental side of preparation -- thank you!

    Not sure if others would like it, but I think it would be interesting to see variations of these from the Staff players, and their stories about their pre-shot routine.
  4. pulplvr

    Spring, TX

    Thanks for this tip. I'm going to work on incorporating it into my play beginning tomorrow.
  5. Feel like this is something that is often overlooked, especially with newer golfers. Great video, thank you.
  6. Steve R

    Steve R
    Madison AL

    Great video and advice, I will work on my own routine based on this video. Thanks Rick and TT
  7. This is great! I think the importance of having a pre-shot routine is often overlooked and it is a critical part of playing your best golf! Love this kind of content!
  8. Brian C

    Brian C
    Fort Wayne, IN

    Coming off of 30 years of kicking footballs this was always something I did. Now I do the same kind of routine when I golf. Helps me relax big time and focus.
  9. Reed S

    Reed S
    Muskegon, Michigan

    Great video. Always good to pick up some tips!
  10. Palmer C

    Palmer C
    Ashland, MA

    I definitely need to incorporate this. I struggle to relax between shots. My actual routine is fairly consistent, but I'm falling short where I should be refocusing. Thanks for the great advice!
  11. Apollo

    South Easton

    Started a pre shot routine as a golf with my kids don’t want them copying my bad habits and bringing them to competition.
  12. DRoss


    Great video, thanks!

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