Short game tempo

Follow Thread

By andrew b

  • 8 Replies
  1. Struggling with maintaining soft grip pressure and tempo on my chips and looking for a feel or pointers.

  2. Richard P

    Richard P
    Lorraine, QC

    Do not use hands, but rotate your chest going back and through the ball.
  3. JPHB

    Brooklyn, NY

    The simplest and finest short game instruction I have found (for me) is in this video - it is literally the only lesson that has significantly helped my pitching and chipping - everything prior to this fell short - but this instruction really clicked for me, so here's hoping it contains something useful for you too.
  4. Thanks for the info!
  5. Dino S

    Dino S

    Hey Andrew - I recommend checking out this page. There are a lot of videos and demonstrations that have helped my game. It could be a set up correction or thought process. Give this a go.
  6. Palmer C

    Palmer C
    Ashland, MA

    Grip pressure is often affected by anxiety. If you're struggling with chipping or get anxious in the process, I would recommend the "toe down" method until you have a certain level of comfort. It's simply standing closer until the shalf is somewhat vertical and the heel is off the ground (thus toe down) and using a putting like motion.

    That said, Richard is right, take your hands out of it and rotate your chest. If you do this properly, your grip pressure will be about a 2 on a scale of 1-10.
  7. SK Golf

    SK Golf

    As well as lessons from a coach, I recommend checking out Dan Grieves he provides some great tips on short game techniques.
  8. Andrew A

    Andrew A
    Charlotte, NC

    grip pressure, shaft lean, leading edge, bounce. So many factors!
    I agree with thethought of getting less hands involved and rotate through with chest following the ball down the line.

  9. soft hands
    dont use hands
    smooth tempe= coca cola ;)
    rotate chest
    believe in alignment & believe the shot

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