A bad habit I want to go away.

Follow Thread

By Dave N

  • 12 Replies
  1. Dave N

    Dave N
    Dade City, FL

    For some reason my head wants to turn with my shoulders , only with my irons. Any tips on how to stop this?

  2. Hey Dave! Is your club head turning open or is it closing?
  3. Dave N

    Dave N
    Dade City, FL

    It wants to close.
  4. Hey Dave! Is your club head tending to turn open or closed when you are swinging through?
  5. wormburner


    Keep your eye on the ball.
  6. Palmer C

    Palmer C
    Ashland, MA

    I've had a similar problem in the past. As a right handed golfer, I tried to maintain either my left ear or eye in line with the ball. A little movement is okay though.
  7. Mike M

    Mike M
    Marblehead MA

    Kind of odd that it only happens with the irons. My guess would be some sort of slight head movement, but that's just a guess.
  8. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Go see a local pro and he can get you fixed with just a quick look. Make you game more enjoyable.
  9. A little head turn is not a bad thing.
  10. Dave N

    Dave N
    Dade City, FL

    I had a friend shoot a video of my iron swing on 6 different holes. After seeing them I slowed my swing down a bit and the issue seemed to go away. I must have been tensing up in my shoulders, all I know after 3 rounds I'm not doing it any more. Thanks for the reply's.
  11. James Young

    James Young
    Costa Mesa, CA

    Was going to suggest tension in your shoulders. Stress from work and/or bad posture while working can creep in without us even knowing.
    Glad you figured it out. Enjoy the journey!
  12. Eric H

    Eric H
    Ridgway, PA

    Put your tees and change in your other pocket!
  13. Edward K

    Edward K
    Wesley Chapel, FL

    As long as my left shoulder gets behind the ball on the backswing, I'm okay with my head turning a little. Anyone that says the head stays still should watch a few videos of the Tour players. On another note, be VERY careful selecting a teaching professional, that PGA behind the name isn't always a guarantee they are a swing guru. Ask around and don't be afraid to take a lesson or two from multiple teachers, if you are on a path to improvement. Find a guy that interprets the swing well, not just a position guy.

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