First Hole in One 67 Years Old

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By David A

  • 2 Replies
  1. David A

    David A
    Mesa AZ

    At one time I played to a two handicap but 12 years ago at the age of 55 I had a severe fall after giving a speech in Las Vegas. I ended up with a severe TBI and a severed spine and have two 10 inch pipes and over 20 screws holding my spine together and am legally disabled.

    For 10 years I had seizures, still have a 24x7 severe headache, suffered 13 more diagnosed concussions, actually died and was revived three times and have chronic sepsis which put me in the ICU many times once with a 107 temp and another 105 and many cognitive and short term memory problems and too many other real challenges to list.

    I have many Doctors and I was expected to be mostly incapacitated for the rest of my life.

    4 years ago my wife and I moved to Arizona from Seattle. Through extensive therapy and hard work I against all my doctors and others around me was able to get on a golf course again and joined Las Sendas Golf Course. in Mesa AZ.

    There is an amazing community there and great staff led bike Club Pro Mike Fields. He connected me to the Mens Group who embraced me and supported me. My first year I was around a 40 handicap but they all stood by me.

    Despite struggling and still battling many issues I have now gotten to a 24 handicap on what is considered to be one of the more difficult courses in the greater Phoenix area.

    I know this is probably too long but for me today a miracle for me happened I got my first hole in one ever even after being a low handicapper for a long time. It was also on the most difficult par 3 on the course a steep uphill blind hole. It has always been a bucket list thing for me but one that appeared to never be a possibility when I went up to look for my Titleist ball after looking around looked in the hole and there it was.

    I will always have that Titleist memory that despite everything cannot be taken away.

    Thanks for letting me share this joyous moment.

    I thought I would share a YouTube Video that the Brain Injury Alliance of Washington asked my wife and I to do to help them raise money at their 2017 auction. It shows a before and after of this journey and hope maybe it will help others believe that no matter the odds miracles can happen as long as you continue to believe.

    if your interested you can find it on YouTube at BIAWA 2017 Gala Video and we are proud to say it has been viewed over thirty thousand times and help raise a significant amount of money for the BIAWA.

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  2. EddietheKarp


    Amazing shot, Dave! Sounds like you have overcome more than your fair share to finally achieve a Hole in One. Congratulations and cheers to more great playing to come!
  3. Dino S

    Dino S

    Awesome! Congrats!

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