Hole in 1 Tulsa OK

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By Jonathan M

  • 1 Reply
  1. Spend a nice afternoon with my 17yo son and my Uncle. Played La Fortune Golf Course, Tulsa, OK. On hole 4 my son almost holed out. He has been playing for almost a year. We joked “if you make a hole in 1 before me….”. I’ve been playing consistently for 28 years. On hole 14, I nearly aced it leaving it about 4” short. I joked again “see, never quite an ace”. Hole 16, 131yrds par 3. I pulled out the 46 degree vokey. Great shot on line into the sun. I thought if anything, I left it short. Got up to the green and couldn’t find it. Checked the cup…. And there it was! Finally!

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  2. Dino S

    Dino S

    Awesome! Congrats!

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