As the winter stay is coming to an end in St. Augustine I made the trek again up to St Johns to play Stillwater GCC. This venue has only been open 3 years and is a permium Bobby Weed design with top tier facilities. I have been playing here since its opening during my snowbird stays. The day was perfect 80 degrees with a slight wind and the course in magnificant condition with it just starting to come out of dormancy. Had a great foursome with my brother inlaw, a fellow volunteer I am paired with at the Players Championship and a fill in from the starter who was a great young man. All of us had a good round going and were looking for the end of round cocktails as we made the "turn" (cross the road) for 16, 17 and 18. These finishing holes are not to be taken lightley with a par 5, 3 and long 4 to close out. Myself at the blue tee boxes after a par on 16 stepped into the 17th with the slight cross wind left to right fellin good. Pegged up my AVX, choked down on my 4 AI Smoke Hybrid and let it go. Worked it with the wind with a slight fade hit the front of the green with a pin back 10 from center rolled and the disappeared. The undulation of the green it was hard to tell if it actually went in or was hidden. Alas there she was smack in the bottom of the cup with the AVX staring me in the face. Been playing AVX sine they came out and have no regrets. The ball fits my needs as a 66 yeaar old with a 6.6 index all is good!!