8 year break

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By Jayme G

  • 13 Replies
  1. Jayme G

    Jayme G
    Mt. Laurel, NJ

    So I wanted to take this time to speak to all the dads out there. Prior to kids I was playing around 50 rounds a year and was around a 13 handicap. Then my wife had twin girls about 7 years ago and things really changed. Like I said before I was around 50 rounds a year, then it was 0 rounds a year. So, over the last 7 years the only golf I was playing happened at TopGolf for a bday party or random family day. I didn't really have the itch to play as other things like running and pickleball filled the void of golf. Now, fast forward a couple weeks when I was invited by a friend to play in a tournament, best ball style. Playing for the first time in over 7 years would have scared anyone, but for some reason I wasn't nervous about what could happen, but more excited to finally get back out there. It was amazing!!!!

    I am not lying when I say I played like I never stopped. I mean, putting and chipping sucked but that's more feel than anything. I didn't miss hit anything or shank anything. I only missed like 2 drives which I either sliced or blocked it left. NOW, it's all I think about when I can get out again.

    So I wanted to hear from all the dads who had to take time off and now have that fire again. I live in NJ and hoping to connect with dads who want to chat about life with kids and golf.

  2. Jayme,
    I imagine most dads have had the same thing happen. As much as we love the game, nothing is better than being with the kids and watching them grow. When mine were young I would go as a single on Saturday morning to a local muni. If I didn't get out before 7 it was back home. But the times I got out, I was home to spend most of the day. I was able to get them to the range a few times but they didn't really have the interest to pursue the sport.

    Now they are grown and on their own so my priorities have shifted. Playing as much as I can and taking long delayed trips to places I have dreamt of playing. Not surprised you played pretty well, not a lot of expectations after a long layoff, also not surprised the golf bug bit you again.

    All the best with managing the dad/golf balance.
  3. Aaron


    Glad to hear your back golfing Jayme. Golf bug has bitten again. I had something similar not kids but I was in a road traffic accident when I was 17 years old and stopped playing golf for almost 10 years. I picked the clubs up again when tiger won his last major championship at Augusta I have surpassed my wildest dreams. I was a 4 handicap when I finished up playing now I’m plus 1 I won my my scratch club championship my first year of competitive golf now hoping For a good season on some high amateur tournaments this year and hopefully play for my county. I live breath and sleep golf now. Just wish I picked up the clubs a bit sooner

    Tee it high let it fly

  4. Jayme G

    Jayme G
    Mt. Laurel, NJ

    It's funny you say that about starting sooner. I played golf in college but it was part of a club team. We didn't play tournament's, but traveled for fun to play. I was #1 on my team in High School and wish I had played better and went to a school with a real team.
  5. Abdon M

    Abdon M
    Northern California (because it's a big state)

    Welcome back! I believe many dads (or any golfer who has had children) can share a similar story to yours. For me, I worked at a golf course after my "day job" helping with the driving range and getting golfer out in the twilight hours. Luckily for me, my spouse is a golfer and she didn't mind hitting range balls while I monitored the pro shop. Soon after our first child was born, it wasn't too long before I had to say goodbye to my golf course job.

    Having a spouse who also enjoys the game made it easier for me to keep my golf playing routines but those times going to the golf course after work were very memorable.
  6. Jayme G

    Jayme G
    Mt. Laurel, NJ

    Last time we went to topgolf my wife asked about lessons. That was 3 weeks ago and she hasn’t mentioned it since!

    I think as the kids grow that would be nice
  7. Fred L

    Fred L

    Congrats welcome back(?). I was lucky enough that I was still able to play when my 2 girls were born and young. My wife was a saint in all those years and to the present time some 35 years later!!!
  8. El bandito

    El bandito
    Fife Bonny Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

    Wow well done and keep going buddy

    Let’s see I started golf 1993 as a junior got to 6 handicap 1996 playing nearly every day back them, won the handicap club championship and gave up golf chasing women and cars
    2018 I split up with my partner and moved back to my home village, the following day I joined my old golf club, I got a handicap of 21 within two years playing every second day I got back to 6 handicap.
    I then dislocated my shoulder at work and my handicap went skywards
    I then had another year out with covid and a double hernia operation.
    Been back about 6 months again now and finally hitting the ball ok but lost about 20/30 yards lol
    New world handicap system gave me a handicap of 19, I’m only playing maybe once / twice a week now a days but loving it and I know the handicap will tumble ️‍♂️

  9. Joseph R

    Joseph R
    Fenton, MI

    Jayme, congrats on getting back on the course! I have two daughters, 5 &3, and I've been very fortunate to not miss too much time on the course. The one thing I am really excited about is both of my girls have grown up on the course, and my older is really interested in golf, and loves to bring her clubs out. We joined a new country club this year, and I can't wait to spend more time on the course teaching my daughter a game I grew up playing with my grandfather.
  10. wormburner


    Inside secret...that I realized too late.

    I had about a 15 year layoff. Time for Junior Golf ASAP. Maybe even get the wife interested.

    I had a few rounds in-between, but it was mostly baseball with the boy. He had lessons while young, he started playing again since he's older. He's got the bug and he's close to being single digit. Its a game of a lifetime,

    Get your whole family involved, It could be a new adventure and a blast, for everyone.
  11. Deno

    New Jersey

    Alot of have been in the same spot. The best part is getting the kid's involved in little golf activities when they start walking about. I would put quarters on the the carpet and the little ones could keep the quarter if their ball rolled over it.
  12. Play18

    Aurora, IL

    Jayme, I'm proud of your family values and glad you are back on the links.
  13. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Welcome back. Maybe you slip away one day a week and hit the links. Family time is very important when they are young. My boss who works in the golfing industry has two young children and a son who is very active in sports. He is on the road most of the week and one the weekends he coaches his sons sports teams. Think he plays maybe three or four times a year. He does take his son out on occasion. He was on an all American team in college, scratch golfer. Devoted to his family and his work.
  14. I didn't quit golf once my son was born but defiantly a lot less rounds. He is now 8 years old and enjoys playing with me. We go scramble a few nights a week and I enjoy every minute of it.

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