Knee replacement time

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By Michael S

  • 22 Replies
  1. Hey Mike, I've never had a replacement, but I can see it on the horizon. Both knees are pretty well shot after playing hoops in high school and at the collegiate level. Just wanted to say best of luck to you. Hope your back on the course and playing well in no time!
    Play Well,
    Steve S.
  2. Jonathan Smith

    Jonathan Smith
    Charlotte, NC

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery Michael!
  3. Mike M

    Mike M
    Marblehead MA

    I'm in the same boat Michael; both knees need replacement. The left one is being done on November 5 ; I wanted to get as much out of this golf season as I could, knowing this was coming.

    Best of luck and keep us posted.
  4. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Wishing you nothing but the best. Have not played since the Dormie Event, June 2nd. Lower back has it's moments. Another epidural on the 28th before we head to Europe. If this does not work, they will be doing a mild procedure, taking pressure off the spine. In and out. Short recovery. Heck of a summer. Part of aging. Be 78 on the 10th. Won't to make at least one more TTI. Me wife had knee replaced. Recovery good. Followed doctor's orders, lots of exercise and PT. Has been over a year, cannot ride her bicycle as far as she use to. She is pleased.
  5. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    I’m paying attention as I’m still required to “maintain” my knees for now. Seems knees and/or hips are an occupational hazard for living into your 70’s.
    Every person I’ve talked - and met or exceeded the post-op recovery workouts, has only said they wish they had done it earlier.
    Good luck with your recovery.
  6. Michael S

    Michael S
    Apple Valley, Ca.

    They moved the date to 09/26/2024 seems like they do not want to do the surgery but I am doing everything they ask for so I think I'm am good to go for 09/26/2024. Insurance deals just suck sometimes but will do what I have to do tired of the pain.
  7. Dave N

    Dave N
    Dade City, FL

    I didn't but my wife did last year. They had her walking the same day. Definitely do the P.T. and you will be fine.If memory serves me she was playing 2 months after, now with that said she wasn't allowed to take complete full swings then. 4 months and she was given the OK to go all out. The only regret she had was she waited too long to do it.
  8. Bomber3

    Lake St Louis, MO

    I had a full replacement on my left knee in 18 and I can tell you that recovery is different for everyone. My first couple months after surgery were limited to range of motion exercising and dedicated physical therapy (I still do range of motion work every day). I was lucky that we had a really cold/snowy winter, so golf was not something I was thinking about, so I really focused on the exercises & therapy.
    I'm sure your team will have a similar recovery plan for you, don't get discouraged, stick to the plan and you'll be surprised at how quickly you can progress.
    Like Dave said, they will have you up walking the same day and I'm guessing you'll start doing some range of motion PT the day after.

    Best of luck and I hope your recovery goes smoothly.
  9. EddietheKarp


    Good luck today, Michael! I’ll send up a prayer out here for a speedy recovery and return to the course!
  10. Mary Beth S.

    Mary Beth S.
    Lenexa, KS

    I had a total right knee replacement at the end of January of 2022. With PT and following my therapist's at-home exercises diligently, he released me to hit easy shots at the driving range by mid-March and released me fully by April. I was back on the course taking full swings and playing a full round by the end of April-early May.

    My suggestion is what others also told me prior to my surgery: Do everything your physical therapist tells you. Go to every scheduled therapy session, let them do their work and continue doing your exercises at home. I hated how much it hurt at first, fully believing I would never recover when I saw other people making strides. When I began making those same strides myself, I found that this was one of the greatest things I've ever done for myself and my overall wellness. It's honestly the best thing I've ever done for myself.

    Best of luck. I'm sure you'll end up loving the results!
  11. Jonathan Smith

    Jonathan Smith
    Charlotte, NC

    Good luck today!
  12. sonny k

    sonny k
    oviedo, FL

    Hi Mike,

    I am 10 weeks post second total knee (left) replacement and in general doing well. That said, I had my right knee done 20 months earlier and as stated above it has been a totally different experience. I have had a tougher recovery due to nagging things that inhibit my movements. All my issues are with connective tissue areas and tight hamstring which I have never had. Good news is I have been hitting half shots with lower irons for two weeks but being the way I am I over did it and gimped up.
    What is key is what folks have said above. Do the PT, be religious about it , and you will see the results.
    Wish you good luck with recovery and a getting into new sticks.

  13. How did it go?
  14. Rob R

    Rob R
    Chicago, IL

    Michael S said:

    Finally got my date 08/21/2024 if I remember right Rob R had it done in March just wondering how yours went? I'm nervous but happy will play. next weekend and that will be it for awhile was fit for a TSR1 driver April love it works great I should have waited till after surgery and got fitted for the GT but will do it for the meal woods once healed up. Let me know how the rest of you who have gone thru the surgery did thanks TT members.

    I hope your surgery went well yesterday. You are probably scheduled for PT today. They did not mess around after my knee surgery. PT started same day after surgery.

    It has been 7 months since my surgery and I am happy i got it done. Back on the golf course and can play back to back now.

    There are days that it is sore and swollen but the pain inside the knee is gone. Follow your surgeons and PT plans and you will be good to go and do not be a hero by over doing it in the beginning. Your body needs to heal properly during this stage of recovery. The first few months are like a roller coaster with up and down days. Though as PT sessions and time passes your knee will get stronger and the swelling goes down.

    Good Luck and you should be back on the course in a few months.
  15. Hi Mike:

    I hope all went well and you have a speedy recovery.
  16. Pat M

    Pat M
    Wausau, WI

    Hope is all with the knee replacement. I had my right knee replaced in March 2024. Looking back , I should have done it years earlier. My advice is to do exactly what your physical therapist says to do. If they say to do exercises twice a day, do them twice a day, not more than that. If you over do it, your knee will swell, and it will set your recovery back. I started to swing a club around 4 weeks, but did not hit a ball till 6 weeks. Then only a wedge. Take it slow, but full recovery will come. Again, good luck with your recovery
  17. Frank P

    Frank P
    Port St. Lucie, FL

    Had mine done April 2023. It turned out great. PT is a grind but stay with it and you won't be sorry. Swelling takes some time to go down, but don't worry, it will. Ice is your biggest friend. Trust the therapist and go get 'em.
  18. Michael S

    Michael S
    Apple Valley, Ca.

    Thanks to all for the support and advice this Thursday 09/26/24 is the surgery date. I will keep you all updated on the progress finally getting it fixed. Like everybody has said the PT is the secret to recovery will do what I have to do Thanks again for all the support love the TT folks hear you are all the best. P.S. I am going to play tomorrow 09/24/24 not sure how good it will go but at least I get one more round in.
  19. Michael S

    Michael S
    Apple Valley, Ca.

    Yes had the surgery on the 26th went good the PT just left the house said everything looks good. Thanks again for all the support and yes it does hurt like &*## but will be worth it in the long run. One other thing that came out great because of this is I also quit smoking been smoker for 40 plus years so before surgery month before surgery time really did quit Thanks again TT for all the support thru this time. Can't wait to heal up and get fit for a metal wood.
  20. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC


    Michael S said:

    Yes had the surgery on the 26th went good the PT just left the house said everything looks good. Thanks again for all the support and yes it does hurt like &*## but will be worth it in the long run. One other thing that came out great because of this is I also quit smoking been smoker for 40 plus years so before surgery month before surgery time really did quit Thanks again TT for all the support thru this time. Can't wait to heal up and get fit for a metal wood.

    Good luck with the recovery. My wife still does her exercises and pilates every day after her knee replacement. She has increased the number of miles she rides on her bike. She has a cruiser bike, no gears or hand brakes. I know you will get there and the golf game will come. Easy peasy.

    Having been a smoker for almost thirty years, I gave up that nasty habit in 1990. Even having watched my mom die a horrific death from the same in 1977. Congratulations. I put mine down when the State said we could not longer smoke in our buildings. That was a painful ordeal, I was a heavy smoker. This first ninety days are tough, but once you reach the six month period, you will find that you cannot stand being around people who smoke. Without a doubt the hardest thing I ever did in my life, but definitely worth it. The Medical University of S Carolina had a program that I went through for seven years to see how my lungs were progressing and after that period they were like new. Pink and clean. I do not have COPD, but do have pulmonary issues which limits my physical abilities. No marathons, long walks, no more walking the golf course, per my pulmonologist. At 78 glad to be able to play golf three days a week. Good job. =) =) =) =) =)
  21. Michael S

    Michael S
    Apple Valley, Ca.

    Michael S said:

    Yes had the surgery on the 26th went good the PT just left the house said everything looks good. Thanks again for all the support and yes it does hurt like &*## but will be worth it in the long run. One other thing that came out great because of this is I also quit smoking been smoker for 40 plus years so before surgery month before surgery time really did quit Thanks again TT for all the support thru this time. Can't wait to heal up and get fit for a metal wood.

    Thank you Chuck you do not know how much you and all TT has helped me thru this surgery and the smoking deal. Your wife must be a very strong woman because I will tell you the knee surgery is no fun deal at first but is better once you get thru that first two weeks you tell her you go girl! Plus I am glad you can play 3 days a week is fantastic I could only play once a week with the bad knee so maybe at 68 I will be able to keep up with you :-). My friends are all on a buddy trip now playing three days in a row could not make it but look forward to next year. Thanks again to all TT members here....

  22. Michael S

    Michael S
    Apple Valley, Ca.

    I had this built just for this time knee recovery time wife will not let me near it while knee recovery time. But she went for a bike ride with friends today so I snuck out there and gave it a test run feels so good to at least putt it is a start.
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