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By Reed S

  • 14 Replies
  1. Reed S

    Reed S
    Muskegon, Michigan

    Starting him young! Great day today for his first round and he is good luck. Birdied the first!

    Post Image
  2. Abdon M

    Abdon M
    Northern California (because it's a big state)

    Awesome! Don't forget sunscreen! It's good to get our kids accustomed to the feeling of sunscreen; once they get used to it, they won't leave home without it.
  3. Chris P

    Chris P
    Katy, TX

    Congratulations! A playing partner for life!
  4. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Congratulations all around. His first day out and your good luck charm getting a birdie. My right honorable friend is right about the sunscreen and maybe a wide brimmed hat. Maybe our youngest member. He looks like he could care less. Hakuna matata.
  5. Andrew A

    Andrew A
    Charlotte, NC

    Congrats! happy to see he's thriving in his natural environment
  6. Jonathan Smith

    Jonathan Smith
    Charlotte, NC

    Congrats, cute little little guy. Dapper dresser too!
  7. I took my son for his first round of gold this past July for his birthday. The little guy came out for the first hole a drove the ball straight. I topped the ball and had to hit again. I beat him in the end, but now he is hooked on golf.
  8. Fred L

    Fred L

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! Getting started early...
  9. Palmer C

    Palmer C
    Ashland, MA

    Welcome to the team’
  10. Dave N

    Dave N
    Dade City, FL

    Welcome aboard , and take good care of your little good luck charm.
  11. Matthew C

    Matthew C

  12. Mike M

    Mike M
    Marblehead MA

    Congratulations. Nice way to start with a birdie on his/her first outing. Great post. Thanks for sharing.
  13. Dino S

    Dino S

    This is awesome! Enjoy!
  14. Matthew C

    Matthew C

    Congrats!! so awesome
  15. DK

    Northeastern, PA

    He definitely needs some TT swag!

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