Titleist Certified legit?

Follow Thread

By Blaise J

  • 8 Replies
  1. Came across a site (titleistcertified.com) that sell used Titleist clubs. Found an old thread here that suggested this site was legitimate, trying to confirm if that is still the case. Please let me know!


  2. Brock L

    Brock L
    Fort Myers, FL

    Yes. Titleist Certified is a partnership between Titleist and Global Golf.
  3. pulplvr

    Spring, TX

    Did you actually reach a site using that URL? I clicked it. After asking me to sign in (again), it said the location was unknown. A review of the Titleist site itself does not show anything about pre-owned clubs.
  4. Dave N

    Dave N
    Dade City, FL

    If you find something you want from them and can get the serial # call Titleist and they will check it for you.
  5. Legit.
  6. Robert J

    Robert J
    Washington Township, MI

    Yes, it is a partnership between Global Golf and Titleist.
  7. 100% legitimate
  8. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Clicked on this site and this is what I got......Sorry, but we can't seem to find the page you are looking for.

    Titleist official trade in program listed below.

  9. SSawyer

    Melbourne, FL

    Following this thread as I was wondering also…

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