By samuel s

  • 37 Replies
  1. how often do you folks go to the range? how many balls do you hit during your session? I am slowly getting back into golf after 10 years away and I have been going to the range atleast 3 times a week hitting atleast 3 buckets each time. would really love some insite.

  2. Brock L

    Brock L
    Fort Myers, FL

    If I'm not playing, around 100 balls on the range, and then 30 minutes hitting chips and pitches and 45-60 minutes putting.
  3. Jonathan Smith

    Jonathan Smith
    Charlotte, NC

    Never. I used to hit tons of balls when I was younger, and a better player. Now I take a couple putts and head out.
  4. Barry M

    Barry M
    Reno, NV

    Being as I still work Monday through Friday, I try to hit the range (weather permitting twice a week for an hour. Most of that is working on a few drills or something else I need to improve. On the weekend when I play I only use the range to warm up a bit before starting. Sometimes I go after a round to work on something I need to figure out.
    If you get the chance to go to a PGA or LPGA tournament, or even an amateur tournament, go early and spend some time at the range. You might be surprised by what you see. I have seen them many times go through the most basic drills as part of their warmup. If it works for them, then I should probably do the same.
  5. Frank W

    Frank W

    I practice 2-3 times per week. Once is full swings on the range, approx. 40-50 balls. The other practice is putting and chipping.
  6. Hi Samuel:

    I like the 3 times/week, but hitting 3 buckets at a time is probably excessive. Looking at the size of the buckets, you are probably hitting at least 250 balls. I would recommend hitting fewer balls each time, a few more than you would hit playing a round. Warm up through the bag with several clubs, then play a round, visualizing playing a course.
    This will help you focus on making the shots you will make when you play. I would spend more practice time finding a place to chip and putt.
  7. DStover

    Smithfield, NC

    I to was out of the game for 10 plus years. Started back last year. I will try and go at least once a week to the range when time permits. Definitely try and go if i don't get a chance to play a round. Will usually hit a couple buckets and then hit some shots at the short game area.
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  9. DK

    Northeastern, PA

    I can honestly say I have never been a fan of the range. The very few times I go might be to hit a quick bucket with my sons but don't really take it serious. I never felt like I get anything out of it based on the crappy balls they have so distances, flight, and everything else are way off .
  10. George S

    George S
    Northeast PA - The Poconos

    I started the same process last year. I was only playing 4 or 5 rounds a year for the last 7 or 8 years until last year when my boys (8,6 and 3) took a huge interest in golf. So we bought a limited membership at a resort course here in the Poconos which gives us unlimited use of the practice facility (it's a really nice one). I practice more than play - because playing takes 4 to 5 hours - and it has accelerated my re-entry into more serious golf. But getting "ranger Rick" to the golf course takes reps ON THE GOLF COURSE. Practice never hurts. But the only way to learn how to play and score well is on the golf course.
  11. Jerry M

    Jerry M
    Dallas, TX

    I try to get to the range 2-3 times a week. I don't hit a lot of balls (small bucket) but then I go and work on my short game (chip about 60 balls and then putt for about half an hour). Being a senior I can't hit a lot of balls because it wears me out. I think it's important to practice correctly because if you don't, it spills over to the course.
  12. PJDawes

    Springfield, MA

    Are you practicing with purpose or just hitting balls. Hitting balls to get your swing back is good but are you actually doing things to improve your swing or practicing scenario's to help you on the course.
  13. Jerry M

    Jerry M
    Dallas, TX

    When at the range, I'm working on getting the club to a specific position during the backswing. I never just go hit balls to warm up.
  14. I run a full practice regement as often as possidle. on the range I pick targets to aim for practice flop shot and pitches allot. really need to iron out my putting but yes I am truly working aspects of my game not just hitting.
  15. Andrew A

    Andrew A
    Charlotte, NC

    I dont't have a set routine for each time I go to the range. It really depends on what I am specifically wopkring on for that session. I can spend anywhere from 30 minutes to 3+ hours per session.
  16. Dane D

    Dane D
    Dexter, MI

    I am in the same boat...however, your 3 buckets each time scares me:) I am taking my time getting back and not rushing it. At most I hit 75 balls, 4-5 times a week staying focused on feels, alignment and plane, I do however spend the great majority (2x that of the range) of the time around the chipping and putting green...
  17. Luis H

    Luis H
    San Antonio, TX

    I personally go 3x a week (mon irons, Tues short game (chipping and putting) Thur Driver. then play either Fri or Sat.

    if you've been away for awhile I would suggest taking lessons immediately, reason being you want to learn to engrain proper swing mechanics. I see a lot of golfers on the range carrying 2 or 3 large buckets and just start beating balls with no purpose, their just
    re enforcing bad mechanics. After a lesson I go the range and just buy a small bucket and that will last me an hour, reason being I just don't hit balls one after another. when I learn to engrain a lesson into my swing I start off by doing shadow swings first.
    Slowy go through the motion of what your instructor taught you once or twice then step up and hit your shot.
    trust me you will be ahead of everyone who just goes out there and beat balls with no direction.
    and when I start to see the results then I'll go and buy a medium or large bucket ( if I buy a large I made sure to include pitch shots).
    and when you start to feel tired take a break 15 OR 30 min and just relax a bit.

    btw when you seek an instructor make sure he or she has a good reputation. a lot of so called "Class A PGA" are ok for beginners but once your game starts to advance you want to seek a PGA TOUR coach. (online or in person but trust me flying out and spending the money is one of the best investments you can give to yourself.

  18. At least twice a week range and play once a week. Small bucket around 40 balls but I focus more on putting and chipping.
  19. Hendy

    Sterling Heights, MI

    I hit the range a minimum of 5 times a week. Typically I try to hit 3 clubs per session at most. Long irons, short irons, fairway instruments. It locks me into my yardages, which change every year as I grow older. Practice-Practice-Practice
  20. Brian C

    Brian C
    Fort Wayne, IN

    It's about quality not quantity, especially if you are just getting back into it. 3 buckets can do more harm than good if you are practicing bad habits. If I do a medium bucket it takes me an hour, because I want to practice good technique. I am not there for an exercise session. Just my thoughts.
  21. Mark S

    Mark S
    Ripon, CA

    I go 2-3 times a week and work on specific things I'm trying to improve in my game. wedge distance control, approaches inside 150, tee shot accuracy/center face contact. Then a lot of speed control with putter, putts inside 10ft, and a lot of up&down practice. I'll usually try to go play a few holes after.
  22. Scott D

    Scott D

    I have to agree with Brian C. Do not forget going to a chipping range or the putting green that’s were strokes are saved.
  23. Mike M

    Mike M
    Marblehead MA

    I play at a 9 hole muni; practice green but no range. I'll do some stretching, and hit a few chips and putts then off we go.....
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