Sea Island

Follow Thread

By Justin Helton

  • 4 Replies
  1. Justin Helton

    Justin Helton
    Newnan, Georgia

    Anyone making the trip to Sea Island for the TT event? I plan on going. SUPER EXCITED!

  2. Charles M

    Charles M

    I am signed up!
  3. Dino S

    Dino S

    Unfortunately it's not in the travel budget for this year but you will have a blast in SI! I always enjoy when I can get out there. Top Notch facility and make sure you don't miss the Bagpiper!
  4. Military
    I am thinking of signing up for this event but am also waiting to see what might be happening at Pinehurst,

  5. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Easy drive for me, but due to some remodeling of our house, new roof and HVAC unit, have to be very selective this year. Also new furniture being handmade by Amish up in Ohio and should be here end of month. TTI will have to be my only event this year, if I can get in. Sea Isand is a great area. Been a while since I was there for a joint (SC/GA) veterans conference.

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