Hi, I have been hitting and loving my 910D2 with a regular made for Diamana Ilima shaft for the last year and a half and usually carry / hit about 250 to 280 roughly. I had a nice high penetrating flight but with the 913 out and being the titleist addict I am I bought one from a friends friend on the cheap thinking I could just put the head on and a way I go, but I am struggling to get the ball up in the air now the way I did with 910 even with the same shaft I used in 910...I used most draw setting on 910 which is A2 I believe. Should I be changing the surefit neck at all to try get more launch? I want the 913 to work but I am on the verge of going back to my 910 head! I tried the diamana s+ blue shaft which although good I prefer the ilima surprisingly...i am not losing much yardage I just feel I could gain more with better launch / carry