So whats peoples opinions on the full shots received/given for singles matchplay competition?
Ive just got back after receiving a bit of a pasting after giving 9 shots to someone who obviously played well, but the question I want to ask is did I ever really have a chance from the outset?
The handicapping system is in the main based on strokeplay yes to a degree stableford with the reduction of a high score but to receive full shots shouldnt the match be based on strokeplay as it now heavily favours mid to high handicappers, to the point where apart from myself nobody under 4 handicap entered our club singles matchplay?
The same issue occurs for 4ball betterball, my personal thinking when picking a 4BB partner I would not consider a low handicap player for the simple reason like me he has to give far too many shots.
Interested to know others opinions and what partner you would want to pick and why?