Back on the range

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By AJP1965

  • 7 Replies
  1. First time back after four months without touching a club following a knee replacement.

    Started off with some chipping and was definitely rusty with the odd good chip interspersed with some thins and fat ones. It really didn’t help that I was sharing the chipping green with Kris Kim and his ex-pro mother watching on.

    Then to the range for some short irons - Kris was already there. I think it took about eight wedges to final get one off the deck! I did eventually start to hit some proper golf shots so there is hope.

    I now need to see how the knee reacts overnight- hopefully will be fine.

    Has anyone else come back from a total knee replacement as I’d be very interested in how long it took to get back to playing 18 and how your game was affected.

    Ps the photo is the range - before I used it!

    Post Image
  2. Simon Worsfold

    Simon Worsfold

    Evening !

    Glad to hear you’re on the mend.

    Fingers crossed you’re back on the course soon.

    Best wishes

  3. Thanks - went again today and played 7 holes after the range. Sadly the knee replacement hasn’t improved my game!

    Looking forward to hosting you again!
  4. Simon Worsfold

    Simon Worsfold

    AJP1965 said:

    Thanks - went again today and played 7 holes after the range. Sadly the knee replacement hasn’t improved my game!

    Looking forward to hosting you again!

    Yes 100% !

    Let me know when you feel fit enough for 18 holes.

    Glad to hear you got some holes in.
  5. El bandito

    El bandito
    Fife Bonny Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

    Well done and enjoy ️‍♂️
  6. Hi!

    Not had a full knee replacement, but snapped my ACL and MCL, so had a hamstring graft.

    Started on the range once I could walk again, which was about 4months, played 9 a few after that. Before I could properly walk 18 it was 12-18 months

    The biggest thing I find, even 2 ½ later is the mind side of it, I subconsciously started putting much more weight on my good leg (LH Leg) which ruined my swing.

    I have now had a few lessons and am going back to my old swing and handicap is now the lowest it has ever been.

    Still get some swelling every few rounds, specially if the weather is warm, but that is part of it I guess.

    Good luck, hope you recover soon and doesn’t effect the swing to much!
  7. Brian M

    Brian M
    Totnes, Devon

    This is worth a read - 3.5 years after my left TKR it's stronger than my right!

    Good luck

  8. Much appreciated - I do fully agree it’s a brutal procedure especially compared to the six (three each knee) surgeries I’d had previously!

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