Team Titleist Shop

Follow Thread

By Will - Team Titleist UK

  • 15 Replies
  1. You didn't think we would leave you out did you?? 

    Following an incredibly positive launch in the US, we're officially adding our TT-logoed gear from our current catalog to the Team Titleist Shop, and it's here to stay, available year-round! 

    Our TT shop is under the gear section on the website, go check it out! New items will be added over the next few weeks so make sure you keep checking back. 
    Of course, we'll still be rolling out exclusive specialty drops throughout the year, but now you can stock up on your TT essentials at your leisure.

    Follow the links below to get the latest Team Titleist gear from your region. 

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  2. Gianni F

    Gianni F
    Brighton, UK

    Great stuff, excited to add another item to my TT gear lineup!

    Early stages, but steadily growing it
  3. Wabinez

    Norfolk, UK

    I know it’s not TT stuff, but saw this post on Insta from US Titleist. Are we getting the same colourways over here? Those pumpkin/orange/marigold wooly hats are lovely

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  4. Simon Worsfold

    Simon Worsfold

    Hey Will,

    Thank you as ever for allow us to get our hands on some new TT items.

    Just so you know, we appreciate what you do for us, thanks again.
  5. Dave M

    Dave M

    This is great news Will, be good to see the items come back into stock and can’t wait to see some new item, hopefully accessories etc.
  6. Simon Whittaker

    Simon Whittaker

    Delightful! Thank you.
  7. Why no hoodie for male golfers?
  8. Ian K

    Ian K
    Essex, United Kingdom

    Hi there AWoods

    There was a hoodie when the polo shirt was released. It sold out in about 20 minutes, I think.

    hopefully new ones will come out in due course.

  9. El bandito

    El bandito
    Fife Bonny Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

    Perfect, cant beat some more Team Titleist swag :)
  10. nick h

    nick h

    Not an awful there lot to be fair; no male clothing??
  11. Martin H

    Martin H
    Wokingham, Berkshire

    Nice one Will.
  12. Awesome to see the UK not being left out like so many other manufacturers!!
  13. Rob H

    Rob H

    Great news, thanks for sharing Will.
  14.  Matt W

    Matt W

    Great stuff Will. Picked myself up a Charleston Breezer and really impressed with the quality
  15. OBrady

    United Kingdom

    Is there any chance of selling the TT putting disc? Had a look through the website but there is only a little selection of stuff with the TT logo on.
    Those putting discs are really cool and would be mega to get my hands on one!
  16. Finally! Can't beat TT gear! I only managed to get one of the putting Discs when I had a goody bag of TT Stuff sent to me after some testing.

    But I managed to get my hands on the TT Hoodie - Had the wrong size in my bag at the time, went back to change but all sold out so have managed to lose some lbs for it to fit so this is now my go to top in the cooler weather - Even got questioned by my golf pro this last weekend how I managed to get my hands on one

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