Complimentary Fitting Sessions

Follow Thread

By Will - Team Titleist UK

  • 9 Replies
  1. Hey Team Titleist! 

    As we head towards Christmas, we are offering you guys complimentary fitting sessions at the National Fitting Centres. 

    Hit the links below to book yourselves in to St Ives or Craigielaw and get a head start on 2025!

    St Ives:


    Offer extended until 31st January 2025!

    Post Image

  2. Gianni F

    Gianni F
    Brighton, UK

    This is great!

    Just to check, is there a cutoff for how far in advance the fitting can be booked?
  3. Wabinez

    Norfolk, UK

    This is spooky…I’ve been considering a GT fitting.

    My question is could I book a longer session, or do I have to try and get back to back appointments to do driver, fairway and hybrid/long iron?
  4. That's great news
  5. Wabinez

    Norfolk, UK

    Had my sessions tonight at St Ives…thank you so much Titleist.

    New Driver and 3 wood coming.

    Now we wait for the new GT hybrids to be released to order 2 of them!
  6. lain


    This is great. Thnaks for letting us know about the extension, it fits nicely with my New Years Resolution to buy a new driver ;-)
  7. Jonesy

    Wirral, Cheshire

    Do you know when a complimentary fitting will be available in the North West?
  8. Perfect timing, was looking to book early next year for new Irons.

    Been at Craigielaw a few times through the years.

    Great gesture from Titleist.
  9. Hi, will there be any closer to the south coast at any time soon? Thanks Charlie
  10. Booked in for wedge fitting to complete my Titleist bag throughout!

    Cant wait

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