Try before you buy?

Follow Thread

By Steve R

  • 3 Replies
  1. Steve R

    Steve R
    West Yorkshire

    New to fittings and buying new golf clubs so looking for some advice if possible.

    Wanting T200/T350 and going to get fit but I was wondering if you can take a set on the course like a 'try before you buy' kind of set up where you can see it they suit you rather than on the mat as it is so different. If not does titlist/ anyone think this is something in the future?

  2. Hi,

    Speak to your local pro shop that is a titleist fitter, they should let you take the demo out once you have been fitted.
  3. Christopher W

    Christopher W
    Oxford, UK

    Most places will let you take a demo club out and configure it to you as much as possible. The level of stock and demo options shops carry varies but typically they'll have an adjustable mid iron available (different shafts and loft / lie), sometimes more.

    I doubt they'll have a full set available to demo, unless they have a used set knocking around.
  4. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Some, (sadly not as many as there used to be) have Titleist rental sets for travelers at their clubs. Those may be limited to all T100 or T200 or T350 irons but it might be a way you can get a feel for one or the other.

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