Loyalty Rewarded 4/3 in Europe?

Follow Thread

By Dave M

  • 6 Replies
  1. Dave M

    Dave M

    I see the US site has the loyalty rewarded offer going for this year at the moment, is anyone aware of if and when it’s coming to Europe. Presume Ireland and UK will start at same time also.

  2. Matthew O

    Matthew O

    I had an email from Nordica Golf at the weekend saying that they had started but now the link seems to be gone. I think they must be doing it just that Nordica maybe went a little bit early.
  3. Thanks Dave just seen this too - would imagine we will get soon!
  4. Id imagine we'll see something around the masters I'm sure its around then every year
  5. the mail was coming today for Germany....
  6. Wabinez

    Norfolk, UK

    Waiting for this too….we always seem to be a couple of weeks or so behind the US site, so hopefully won’t be too much longer to wait
  7. Dave M

    Dave M

    Thanks guys, have seen the offer up in various German golf shops but no sign yet here in Ireland, will give it a few more days then order from Germany I guess

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