NEW SM10 44F

Follow Thread

By Mark S

  • 1 Like
  • 2 Replies
  1. Mark S

    Mark S
    Ripon, CA

    I love that this is an option now to swap out with my T150 PW. Will the project X LS 6.0 be available as a shaft? Currently not listed.

  2. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Best might be to call Vokey Wedgeworks. They should be able to fit about any iron shaft in the 44 SM-10.
  3. Joseph L Poe

    Joseph L Poe
    Colorado Springs

    "I love that this is an option now to swap out with my T150 PW. Will the project X LS 6.0 be available as a shaft? Currently not listed."

    so I'm interested in your reasoning for this as I'm considering the very same thing. I hit my T150 W just fine, but there's just such a comfort zone for me with my 3 Vokey's I carry to complete my bag. When I saw that 44 being offered, I thought dang, that'd be nice!

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