How do you like your GT driver?

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By ERodriguez

  • 47 Replies
  1. Military
    I was fit into a GT2 driver paired with my existing Tour AD-IZ 5S shaft as well as weight changes and I have seen measurable gains from the TSR2 it replaced. +5 mph ball speed, +15 yds carry, +10 to +15 yds total (avg. 285 total), and higher consistent ball flight I have not seen in any other model personally.

    My first round with it and Arcos had me at +10 yds total on the round compared to previous rounds with my TSR2. During that first round I had a horrible, pushed toe strike that still went 263 yards (according to Arcos); I was able to find it and still make par. I just completed a fitting for the GT2 4 wood and 7 wood with the Trackman showing the same measurable gains as the driver did compared to my TSR. The Titleist fitter, who was fantastic by the way, said the 7 wood especially came a long way in this iteration from TSR2.

    Needless to say, I will also be replacing both fairways in the bag, and I also think this underscores the importance of getting a proper fitting with a qualified fitter. I will never buy straight off the rack if I can help it as the surefit setting, weights, and shaft play significant factors depending on your swing DNA. I know there are many opinions floating on the internet as far as "is it really that much better than the last model?" and "Price, price, price". I will say, it is definitely that much better and everything from everybody is expensive these days, do what's best for you.

    Good job Titleist Team!
  2. psalvador

    Richmond, BC

    I went from a 915D2 to a GT2. I never had a connection with the 915D2 because I bought the driver off the rack after 5 minutes with it on the simulator. With the GT2, I got fitted for it and waited a week and a half for it to arrive.

    I feel excitement and confidence when I pull it out of the bag. It goes farther than my old driver and is more forgiving. I love it!

    As an added bonus, the head cover is a head turner at the driving range and everyone who doesn't have a GT wants to either hold it or asks to hit it. :)

  3. Edward K

    Edward K
    Wesley Chapel, FL

    I'm in the GT2 3-wood, may go with the 13.5. Smashing the 3-wood now, love the control. Ball doesn't balloon like some fairways do for me (I know, it's my swing doing most of it).
  4. Robby P

    Robby P
    Murrells Inlet, SC

    I got mine last week and have 36 holes under my belt. Got fit with the GT2 driver out of the TSR3 and absolutely love it. I did pick up some yardage on the trackman, but I get more consistency and the height witndow I prefer is easier to attain with my natural swing and didn't have to work for it. I think for me personally, it is a combination of a great product, and a Titleist fitting day where the fitter listens and knows how to get results.
  5. So, I may be in the minority here. I've always trusted almost everything Titleist has put out because it's been such quality and top performing. However, in this new line of GT drivers it's been my experience that they are all but the same as the previous edition. Let me expand on that.

    So I currently game the TSR3. I had the TSR2 and I had the TSi3 before them. When the GT models came out, I immediately headed down to the local Golf Galaxy to give them some testing. I took my TSR3 with me. What I found, actually surprised me because I was full on ready to purchase the GT3 going in. But... what I found was that I hit the TSR3 and GT3 the exact same! I mean the numbers were all but identical and the dispersions were fairly tight to each other.

    What I did find, though, is that the GT2 is in fact I believe a true upgrade over the TSR model. The Fitter in GG asked me to try it out even though that wasn't a model I was considering. It wasn't longer than my TSR3 but it definitely allowed for me to get super consistent results when I had the ball finding anything but the middle of the club at the end of a long session.

    Overall, I would say i chalk this whole thing up to one simple thing. Titleist is so good at what they do, that even beating their own previous years products is tough. And frankly, that's not a terrible thing imo. If someone was playing a lot older model I'd 100% tell them to get one of the GT's. But, if you had the TSR range, for me, I don't think its a huge upgrade because you already have one of the best clubs on the market still!
  6. JoeyD

    Texas maybe I'm in the minority here...or maybe I just got a bad head...not sure. I tested the GT2 pre-release in my local PGA Tour Superstore and was absolutely blown away by the results. Anywhere I hit it on the face resulted in 2200-2700 spin with the majority hits being in the 2400-2500 spin range. I was sold! Ordered it that day and when it came in I was super excited to try it out. Long story short...hitting it at the course on a GC3 launch monitor and the spin is high and all over the place. Center strikes at 0.5 swing path producing 3500 spin using a Ventus TR black (low spin, low launch) shaft. I had to hit so high on the face to produce 2500 spin that I thought I was going to sky it! I had to go exchange it for a GT4 head to see if the spin will come down.
  7. JJohnson

    Jersey Village, TX

    Just grabbed the GT3 this weekend (to replace the TSr2) and got to play 9 with it. After adjusting the adapter to my usual B1 setting I really enjoyed it. Nice and straight.

    Now I need to figure out the secondary settings. It's in Neutral right now, need to research to see what the other 4 settings do.
  8. Mark N

    Mark N
    Cascade, IA

    Purchased a leftover TSR3 this spring. I upgraded from my TS3. Been a Titleist man for quite a few years. Usually upgrade every 2 or 3 models. Have not seen anyone with a GT3. Would really like to try one to see the difference. Makes me wonder if I should have waited.
  9. I made the switch from a png g430 max 10k to the gt2 a few weeks ago and absolutely love it. The gt2 looks much better at address and seems to be just as forgiving with better distance and a better sound in my opinion.
  10. RNoon

    Isle of Man

    Picking up my GT3 this weekend! Cannot wait!! Testing was so impressive and loved the feel, flight... just everything about it!
  11. JVia


    I've played 6 rounds now with my new GT4 and a whole new world has opened up to me because of the distance gain. I've been wondering about switching the weights around to see what that gives me. I'm set at a D2 in 8 deg used to play a slight draw now its mostly straight or a little tiny fade, I'm not yet 100% confident but that will come with more rounds. It is a really surprising feel when you flush it.
  12. Just tried GT3 driver. I love everything about this driver. It is definitely more forgiving than my current driver. My drives usually produce a ton of spin but this driver lower it tremendously.

  13. PZ


    I'm about 20 rounds in with mine and still continue to be blown away by the GTs. I gained 24 yards in my fitting, and I think it's even more since I've put it in play on the course. The mishits are what stand out to me. Bad toey misses still flying a really long ways. The sound of the club is unlike any other. Bc I gained so much yardage, I replaced my old driver with a GT 4 wood and it's just as good. This club is so hot it basically matches where my old driver would be. I loved it so much I also bought the 7 wood. The 7 wood is now my favorite club in the bag! Have never felt like I had a much of chance 200 plus and out, but that has drastically changed too. The metals are so much easier to hit than the previous tsi setup I had. Overall I'd say I've seen the results on the course as I've shot a new career low and my handicap is at an all time career low.
  14. Military
    I wasn't going to change from my current Driver TM Qi-10 Max. Until I tried the GT2, and WOW its rocket!!! I'm a high handicap player but I can crush the ball with GT2 driver and keep it straight!! I went from my driving average with the TM 190-200 to 230-250 with the GT2!!!! Its crazy strong!!!
  15. I got fit into the GT3 driver, 3 wood, and 5 wood back in August and received the clubs on October 1st. Since then, I've got about 10 rounds in with them and can't say enough good things about them. Gained about 18 yards on average drives and really reduced the big left miss. The fitting with Matt was great and even though it's not what I would have thought I would be fit into, it really solved the problems I had with my old driver. Can't say too much else, other than my handicap has gone down 3.5 strokes since putting the GT3 into my bag.
  16. No doubt it is my favorite new club in my bag...the GT2 Driver and Fairway metals allow me to reach new lengths more accurately without question on the courses I am used to playing!!

  17. Tom

    Rochester NY

    I miss my TSR3
  18. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Have not been playing golf as much lately due to the weather and physical issues. Went to see my fitter the day after Christmas regarding a new wedge. Got some gift certificates to his shop and purchased a new SM10, 56.10S. Has always a faithful club to me. 1/2 inch over, 2* flat. While there asked about us looking at the new drivers. He has always been my fitter for all my Titleist equipment and never steered me wrong. He said too busy and shorthanded to come back Saturday (today). Brought in old driver and a few Prov1s, after doing warmup exercises at home. Put together the GT2 with a regular shaft (soft tipped). Once we started, did not realize how much distance I had lost.
    After hitting it. We went back to my old TSI2 with the same shaft he had put in the GT2, that he had fitted me for and comparied. Surprised that I actually picked up 10 yards. The old grey mare, she ain't what she used to be. Accuracy good, but the distance at 78, just has gone, but longer than my old driver. Taking my TSR hybrids and Fairways in potentially trading in shafts for softer tipped shafts in January when the get their stock in. Time for me to let my ego go and realize that I need regular shafts in the longer clubs. Went to regular in irons years ago. Do like the feel of the GT2 with the softer tipped shaft. Glad I have a reliable fitter. 33 years and counting. David Ayres Lowcountry Golf.
  19. Best driver I’ve hit. Miss hits and center hits dispersion is amazing. Sound and feel better than any driver on the market. I’ve hit more fairways and even came close to some green on short par 4s. I won’t be changing my driver for a long time. GT 2 driver and fairway wood with graphite design tour ad Iz shafts 6s and 7s.
  20. Was fit into a GT3 driver late last summer. Great feel and speed but there is too much fade bias. Looking back at post-purchase stats my missed fairways doubled on the right side. Planning on playing with the sliding weight and hosel settings at the range before the season.
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