How do you like your GT driver?

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By ERodriguez

  • 47 Replies
  1. It’s the most consistent driver I’ve hit (GT2) my ball speed went up and totals went up coming from tsi2. I really like the feel, sound and look. I’ve hit other big brand drivers and Gt was consistent and felt the best. I won’t be changing for a while.
  2. Tim D

    Tim D
    kokomo, IN

    I have at GT2 10 degree driver that I have absolutely been hitting very consistently. It is by far one of the better drivers I have hit and currently have gained a lot of confidence with this club. Looking forward to warmer temperatures in the midwest and having more opportunities to play.

  3. Todd T

    Todd T
    San Diego, CA

    Clubs near perfect... Now, the holder, thats a totally different story!
  4. Brandon P

    Brandon P
    North Carolina

    I did my fitting back in August with a Titleist fitter. It was a challenge to get better numbers than my TSR3. Finally with a few shaft changes we were able to pick up about 4 mph more ball speed with the GT3. After leaving I purchased the shaft Graphite Design VR and put it in my TSR3. I ended up getting the GT3 and have loved it since. During the fitting I was really impressed with the GT2 but my fitter did not think it was for me. A few weeks ago I came across a lightly used GT2 and bought it. When I put my shaft in it I was blown away. It is an absolute bomber! Still have the 3 but have been gaming to 2 ever since I got it.
  5. I’ve ALWAYS had issues with driving accuracy but hit a good distance for my build. Two years ago I got fit for the tsr2 and saw an improvement in accuracy but I was still prone to the odd wild one. So two weeks ago I went to see my coach to try the png G driver series - they’d come runner up vs the tsr2 for distance in my previous fitting and were slightly more accurate for me.

    Long story short, I hated the pings. They felt dead and I resigned myself to keeping the tsr2 as nothing else worked. Until coach asked if I’d consider another titleist. First he sticks the gt2 in my hands and to me (I know it’s just me) it looked offset and I hated it compared to the tsr2.

    Next he hands me a GT1 and tells me to just hit it. I’m not a slow swinger so slightly perplexed at hitting “the old mans club” I start hitting it. What a club, unbeknownst to me if you stick a heavier weight in the back and use a normal shaft it becomes an moi monster. I couldn’t do anything but hit it straight and I gained ten yards….

    Fast forward to this week and I’ve collected my gt1. On the course I hit some obnoxiously poor tee shots with it that still landed in the fairway or semi rough. This club is massively forgiving but it doesn’t feel like titleist is shouting about its benefits with the heavier set-up. I haven’t loved a driver or driven the ball this accurately since my r7 superquad. You’ll have to pry it out my cold dead hands as I can’t see how I can find a more accurate driver.

    Anyone with driving issues I highly suggest trying the GT1 with the heavier set-up. Beat the pings hands down for me and looks far nicer to boot.
  6. pulplvr

    Spring, TX

    Went to my local Titleist fitter today to check out the GT1 line. Hit driver (9), 3 fairway (15), and 7 fairway (21). All gave me improved height and carry numbers, and all but the 3 fairway resulted in improved distance (carry and total distance). The fitter and I agreed that I did not gain significantly with the GT1 3 fairway over my current TSr2, and he strongly recommended I simply stay with my current one. Placed the order today. Now to wait so I can compare actual usage performance over fitting performance.
  7. O love my GT2 - it is an awesome driver for me - with one issue. If you hit a ball that hits near the top of the face and the paint edge - it can chip that paint. Not a sky ball but one that hits that edge - the dimples have left marks for me. I bought another head because of that and sold my first one to a friend. This is a flaw IMO

    The paint seems to have too much thickness allowing it to be chipped or crack with an impact at the top - where if it were thinner, it would be less susceptible to issues with a high hit.

    The thing that this head shines on is off center hits not being that different from a center strike.
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