Quick Poll: Can You Pass Brad Faxon's Putting IQ Test?

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By Mike D., Titleist Staff

  • 42 Replies
  1. Uphill.
    The question clearly says that both are equal distance and struck with the exact line to go in the cup. The uphill put gets struck harder to compensate for uphill.
  2. I would say uphill putt due to the firmness to get the ball to the hole.
  3. I think uphill put is hit harder with more speed than downhill
    putt which would get the ball to the hole quicker, but how fast or slow is the green, that would make a difference
    on speed and contact with the ball for both putts in my opinion.
  4. Same time if they’re perfect pace.

    start fast / end slow

    start slow / end fast.
  5. GIL B

    GIL B
    Prescott Valley, AZ

    Using my expert logic, in which case I'm usually wrong, I'd assume both putts miss the hole at the same time.
  6. Uphill putt is hit harder faster, gets there quicker then the slower downhill putt.
  7. Uphill putt will get there first. Hit harder goes faster to the hole. Downhill putt is slow to get there due to not hitting it hard. I think.
  8. Remeber grade 9 physics? V=d/T
    Solve for T=d/v
    Higher speed (v) is required to get uphilll putts of the same d to the hole. Higher v always lowers T
  9. JAM


    I voted for the uphill, however, I now believe they go in at the same time.
  10. Uphill 100%
  11. The uphill putt has to be harder so it be there sooner but if you the downhiller with the same speed it would go in sooner.
  12. Mike D., Titleist Staff said:

    When you have the chance to spend a day with Titleist Brand Ambassador Brad Faxon and pick his brain, there is no doubt that you'll walk away with more than your fair share of short game insights and putting wisdom.

    We were fortunate enough to do just that recently and Brad was beyond generous (as always) with his time and wisdom. And one of the questions he posed to us during the day was too good to not share with you all...  so get ready for the first question of your Putting Focused SAT exam...

    Question: There are two 10-foot putts on the green. One is a straight 10-footer that is an uphill putt and the other is a straight 10-footer that is a downhill putt. If the putts are struck at exactly the same time with the perfect line and speed to go into the hole, which putt will reach the cup first?

    Submit your answer in the quick poll below, drop a comment to share your thoughts about why you think your answer is correct, and we'll share the correct answer from Brad in the coming days...

    The up hill putt needs to be hit firmer that the delicate down hill putt. But if neither putt is hit well you would have a chance at both putts lol
  13. The uphill putt needs more speed. Therefore it is hit harder and it goes faster at the beginning. Since it goes faster, it will get to the hole sooner.
  14. I think it is a trick question but I am going to stay with uphill putt going in first because of firmness of the putt.
  15. pulplvr

    Spring, TX

    From my recollection from Streamsong, the uphill putt will get there first since it is hit more firmly than the downhill putt. Like Dale and Chris, I've benefitted from Brad Faxon's putting tips a good bit. Still using his dime drill.
  16. JOHN  K

    JOHN K
    Rotonda West, Fl

    Uphill putt must be struck firmly while the down hiller can be fed to the hole. Uphill putt arrives first.
  17. The downhill putt. Both putts are struck on the same line so both putts are going in. No debate there. Both putts are struck at the same speed but the uphill putt will be slowed by the slope of the green, and the downhill putt will increase speed because of gravity, therefore logically the downhill putt will get there first. Of course whoever said golf was logical?
  18. Frank P

    Frank P
    Port St. Lucie, FL

    The uphill putt arrives at the hole first. It has nothing to do with Sir Issac Newton. Case closed.
  19. Dave N

    Dave N
    Dade City, FL

    Down hills naturally go faster.
  20. Interesting one this.
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